日期:2008-11-12 23:31


  Passage One
  Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.
  Communications technologies are far from equal when it comes to conveying the truth. The first study to compare honesty across a range of communication media has fund that people are twice as likely to tell lies in phone conversations as they are in emails. The fact that emails are automatically recorded—and can come back to haunt (困扰) you—appears to be the key to the finding.
  Jeff Hancock of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, asked 30 students to keep a communications diary for a week. In it they noted the number of conversations or email exchanges they had lasting more than 10 minutes, and confessed to how many lies they told. Hancock then worked out the number of lies per conversation for each medium. He found that lies made up 14 per cent of emails, 21 per cent of instant messages, 27 per cent of face-to-face interactions and an astonishing 37 per cent of phone calls.
  His results to be presented at the conference on human-computer interaction in Vienna, Austria, in April, have surprised psychologists. Some expected emailers to be the biggest liars, reasoning that because deception makes people uncomfortable, the detachment (非直接接触) of emailing would make it easier to lie. Others expected people to lie more in face-to-face exchanges because we are most practised at that form of communication.
  But Hancock says it is also crucial whether a conversation is being recorded and could be reread, and whether it occurs in real time. People appear to be afraid to lie when they know the communication could later be used to hold them to account, he says. This is why fewer lies appear in email than on the phone.
  People are also more likely to lie in real time—in a instant message or phone call, say—than if they have time to think of a response, says Hancock. He found many lies are spontaneous (脱口而出的) responses to an unexpected demand, such as: “Do you like my dress?”
  Hancock hopes his research will help companies work our the best ways for their employees to communicate. For instance, the phone might be the best medium foe sales where employees are encouraged to stretch the truth. But, given his result, work assessment where honesty is a priority, might be best done using email.
  57. Hancock’s study focuses on ________.
  A) the consequences of lying in various communications media
  B) the success of communications technologies in conveying ideas
  C) people are less likely to lie in instant messages
  D) people’s honesty levels across a range of communications media(D)
  58. Hancock’s research finding surprised those who believed that ________.
  A) people are less likely to lie in instant messages
  B) people are unlikely to lie in face-to-face interactions
  C) people are most likely to lie in email communication
  D) people are twice as likely to lie in phone conversations(A)
  59. According to the passage, why are people more likely to tell the truth through certain media of communication?
  A) They are afraid of leaving behind traces of their lies.
  B) They believe that honesty is the best policy.
  C) They tend to be relaxed when using those media.
  D) They are most practised at those forms of communication.(A)
  60. According to Hancock the telephone is a preferable medium for promoting sales because ________.
  A) salesmen can talk directly to their customers
  B) salesmen may feel less restrained to exaggerate
  C) salesmen can impress customers as being trustworthy
  D) salesmen may pass on instant messages effectively(B)
  61. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
  A) honesty should be encouraged in interpersonal communications
  B) more employers will use emails to communicate with their employees
  C) suitable media should be chosen for different communication purposes
  D) email is now the dominant medium of communication within a company(C)
  这是一篇讲述交流途径与说谎频度的关系的文章。全文共6小段。第一段一共三句话,这三句话对全文内容进行了精炼的介绍。前两句指明有关研究(honesty across a range of communication media,交流媒介不同,诚实程度也不同)的成果:电话交流的说谎频度是电子邮件交流的二倍。最后一句指出了原因:电子邮件可被自动记录,并可以回查。文章随后的5段均是对有关研究的具体情形和现象背后的原因的详述。
  第二段介绍了有关研究的详情:研究者(Jeff Hancock),实验内容(30 students to keep a communications diary for a week),和实验结果(各种媒介的说谎率为14%——37%)。
  第三段指出这个结果十分出人意料(surprised psychologists),为下文进一步说明出现这种结果的原因做好了铺垫。
  随后的第四、五段说明了原因,一个是对话可否被记录和再查(whether a conversation is being recorded and could be reread),一个是对话是否为实时交流(whether it occurs in real time)。
  最后一段指出这一研究成果的用途(elp companies work our the best ways for their employees to communicate)。

  57. Hancock’s study focuses on ________.
  A) the consequences of lying in various communications media
  B) the success of communications technologies in conveying ideas
  C) people are less likely to lie in instant messages
  D) people’s honesty levels across a range of communications media(D)
  题目问Hancock的研究集中于什么。文章第一段里讲到有项研究致力于比较不同交流媒介下人们的诚实度问题(The first study to compare honesty across a range of communication media),之后的第二段具体说明了这项研究的细节,该研究的发起人即Jeff Hancock。这样的话,Hancock的研究内容就是to compare honesty across a range of communication media。
  58. Hancock’s research finding surprised those who believed that ________.
  A) people are less likely to lie in instant messages
  B) people are unlikely to lie in face-to-face interactions
  C) people are most likely to lie in email communication
  D) people are twice as likely to lie in phone conversations(A)
  该研究发现使心理学家们感到吃惊的描述出现在第三段:His results……have surprised psychologists。在这句话之后,作者用Some expected……others expected的句式叙述了这些人原来的两种看法,一是emailers to be the biggest liars,在电子邮件中说谎最多,二是lie more in face-to-face exchanges,面对面交流中说谎更多。
  B,人们不太可能在面对面交流中说谎。lie more in face-to-face exchanges这句话已经指出,心理学家们认为面对面交流更有可能性,因此B的说法不对。
  C,人们最可能在电子邮件中说谎。与emailers to be the biggest liars的意思一致,但这只是some的看法,还有others的看法是lie more in face-to-face exchanges,而题目问的是those认为什么,这里的those应该是指some和others都包括在内的心理学家。因此C 的说法是片面的。
  59. According to the passage, why are people more likely to tell the truth through certain media of communication?
  A) They are afraid of leaving behind traces of their lies.
  B) They believe that honesty is the best policy.
  C) They tend to be relaxed when using those media.
  D) They are most practised at those forms of communication.(A)
  文章分析研究结果的原因是在第四和第五段,两段分别指出两种原因,一个是对话可否被记录和再查(whether a conversation is being recorded and could be reread),所说的话被记录的话,人们担心自己的谎话以后会成为把柄,因此更愿意讲真话;一个是对话是否为实时交流(whether it occurs in real time),在实时交流时没有过多思考的时间,一些谎话就脱口而出了(many lies are spontaneous)。
  A符合上面的分析,B和C在文中从来没有提过,D的说法出现在第三段:Others expected people to lie more in face-to-face exchanges because we are most practised at that form of communication,意思是另一些人认为面对面交流中撒谎更多是因为人们使用这种媒介最为熟练。首先这种看法是那些心理学家的看法,其本身是错误的。其次这句话讲的是说谎的原因,而题目问的则是说真话的原因。
  60. According to Hancock the telephone is a preferable medium for promoting sales because ________.
  A) salesmen can talk directly to their customers
  B) salesmen may feel less restrained to exaggerate
  C) salesmen can impress customers as being trustworthy
  D) salesmen may pass on instant messages effectively(B)
  在文章最后一段,Hancock提出他的研究成果可以应用于公司员工的交流(help companies work our the best ways for their employees to communicate),而后具体举了两个例子,第一个例子说的就是做销售时最好使用电话,原因是employees are encouraged to stretch the truth。Be encouraged to do是“更敢于做某事”的意思。更敢于做的事是stretch the truth,stretch是伸展、拉长,truth是真相、真实情况,那么把真实情况拉长、扩展就是夸大其实的意思。所以原因应该就是销售员使用电话进行销售时更有勇气言过其实,过于夸大自己产品的好处。

  61. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
  A) honesty should be encouraged in interpersonal communications
  B) more employers will use emails to communicate with their employees
  C) suitable media should be chosen for different communication purposes
  D) email is now the dominant medium of communication within a company(C)
  B, 更多雇主会使用电子邮件与员工交流。最后一段Hancock举的第二个例子是鼓励人们使用电子邮件的:work assessment where honesty is a priority, might be best done using email。意思是在做工作评估时最好采用电子邮件。但这一建议不是要求雇主们使用电子邮件,而是要求雇员们使用。原因在于最后一段第一句话已经给后面的两个例子做了限定:Hancock hopes his research will help companies work out the best ways for their employees to communicate,从for their employees to communicate这句话可以看出,他的建议是针对employees(雇员)的。因此B的说法不对。

  • interactionn. 相互作用,相互影响,互动交流
  • assessmentn. 估价,评估
  • priorityn. 优先权,优先顺序,优先
  • suitableadj. 合适的,适宜的 adv. 合适地,恰当地
  • unexpectedadj. 想不到的,意外的
  • preferableadj. 更好的,更合意的
  • reasoningn. 推论,推理,论证
  • dominantadj. 占优势的,主导的,显性的 n. 主宰者
  • conferencen. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会
  • tendv. 趋向,易于,照料,护理