日期:2008-10-23 23:00


  1 填空题
  I’ve heard from and talked to many people who described how Mother Nature simplified their lives for them. They’d lost their home and many or all of their possessions through fires, floods, earthquakes, or some other disaster. Losing everything you own under such circumstances can be distressing, but the people I’ve heard from all saw their loss, ultimately, as a blessing.
“The fire saved us the agony of deciding what to keep and what to get rid of, ” one woman wrote. And once all those things were no longer there, she and her husband saw how they had weighed them down and complicated their lives… .
  Q Now that all their possessions were lost in the fire, the woman and her husband felt that their lives had been ______.
  答案及分析:simplified;从句子结构上看,本空应填入一动词的过去分词。依据信息词the woman and her husband可将目标锁定在第二段末句。该句中的they had weighed them down and complicated their lives是说在火灾中烧毁的东西曾经让女士和他丈夫的生活烦琐复杂,由此推测,这些东西都失去时(all of their possessions through fires),他们的生活应该是简化了。文章开头的how Mother Nature simplified their lives for them对本空所填词有很大启示。
  • blessingn. 祝福,祷告
  • ultimatelyadv. 最后,最终
  • distressingadj. 使人痛苦的,令人烦恼的 动词词distress
  • complicatedadj. 复杂的,难懂的 动词complicate的过去
  • disastern. 灾难
  • agonyn. 极度的痛苦,挣扎