日期:2008-10-20 22:20


  了解文章的结构,能够让我们在阅读时更迅速地把握文章的脉络和文章主旨,对于提高做题效率更有重要意义。 文章的结构模式大体上分为四类。这四类文章在一篇文章中并不是独立存在的,有时往往是几种段落结构模式交织在一起。
  总分型 这类文章遵循从观点到材料,从抽象到具体的逻辑法则,其基本框架是先总论后分论,中心论点出现在分论之前。
  问题解决型 首先说明情况和背景,然后提出问题,接着作出反应,也就是解决问题,当然问题也可能没有解决或没有完全解决,最后给予适当的评价或者分析。总体布局上有时会舍去背景部分或评价部分。
  匹配型 段落的发展主线为两种事物之间的类比:两种论点概论----一种论点----另一种论点;或者是现象----一种事物----另一种事物----得出结论。作者一般不发表态度和结论。
  假设真实型 文章结构模式是:假设观点----进行反驳----作者观点。作者往往在文中开头即提出一种观点或主张,然后从赞同与反对两个方面进行反驳或澄清,经过论证之后才提出作者本人的观点。
  Passage 6
  Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer. I always __1__ such people, but I also explain that there’s a big difference between "being a writer" and writing. In most cases these individuals are dreaming of __2__ and fame, not the long hours alone at a typewriter. "You’ve got to want to write," I say to them, "not want to be a writer." The reality is that writing is a __3__, private and poor-paying affair. For every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more whose longing is never __4__. When I left a 20-year career in the US. Coast Guard to become a freelance writer(自由撰稿人), I had no __5__ at all. What I did have was a friend who found me my room in a New York apartment building. It didn’t even matter that it was __6__and had no bathroom. I immediately bought a used manual typewriter and felt like a __7__ writer.
  After a year or so, however, I still hadn’t gotten a break and began to __8__ myself. It was so hard to sell a story that __9__ made enough to eat. But I knew I wanted to write. I had dreamed about it for years. I wasn’t going to be one of those people who die wondering, what if? I would keeo putting my dream to the test----even though it meant living with __10__ and fear of failure. This is the Shadow land of hope, and anyone with a dream learn to live there.
  A) barely B) genuine C) rewarded D) doubt
  E) lonely F) poverty G) persuade H) prospects
  I) uncertainty J)impossibly K) encourage L)awarded
  M) alone N)wealth O)cold

  1.选K)。 此处应填动词的原形。可选项有doubt, persuade, encourage, 但由always推知,作者是在鼓励那些想要成为作家的人,而不是怀疑也不是说服,故排除doubt和persuade而选encourage。
  2.选N)。由空格后的fame可知,此处应填名词。可选项有prospects和wealth,但由dreaming of 与第二段中The reality is... poor-paying可推知,那些想当作家的人梦想的是金钱和名誉,而不是前途,故排除prospects而选wealth。
  3.选E)。此处应填形容词,private, poor-paying一起修饰affair。选项中有lonely和alone,能修饰affair的只有lonely,alone表示“孤独的”时,通常作表语,故排除alone而选lonely。
  6.选O)。it指代的是apartment building,从had no bathroom可知这个公寓条件很差,选项中只有cold能说明公寓的条件差,故选择O)cold。
  7.选B)。“我马上买了一台旧的手动打字机,感觉自己就好像是一个......的作家”,由前面提到的to become a freelance writer可推知,此处作者是想成为一个真正的作家,故选项中只有genuine“真正的”符合题意。
  8.选D)。由空格前的to可知,此处应填动词的原形。可选项有doubt,persuade,encourage,但由still hadn’t gotten a break"在写作上还没有任何进展”,所以此处应理解为他开始怀疑自己的选择是否正确,故doubt符合文意。
  10.选I)。由空格后的and可知,此处应填名词。由fear of failure可知,所填词应表示不好的境遇,可选项有poverty和uncertainty;又由fear可推知,此处强调的是生活的变化无常,而不是生活的贫困,故选uncertainty。

  The first modern Olympic Games was held in Athens(雅典)in 1896 and only twelve nations participated. Besides the host nation man participants were tourists who I)happened to be in Greece at the time. Though the whole affair was L)informal standard was not high, the old principle of amateur sport was kept up.
  Since then the games had been held every four years except during the M)interruption of the two World War. This was J)definitely a departure from the old Olympic spirit when wars had to stop and make way for the games.
  The games have grown enormously in scale and K)physical performances have now reached unprecedented heights. Unfortunately the same cannot be said about their Dmoral stantard. Instead of Olympia, the modern games are now held in different cities all over the world. Inevitably politics and commercialism get involved as countries vie each other for(为......而互相竞争)the A)honour to hold the games because of the political prestige and commercial profit to be C)had out of them.(这是一个复合句。
  主句中get involved即为are involved,意为“被卷入进来”,as引导原因状语从句,从句中的动词不定式短语to hold the games修饰第7题应填的名词,而本句中又包含一个由because of引导的原因状语,动词不定式to be...out of them修饰political prestige and commercial profit.)In the 11th games held in Berlin in 1936, Hitler who had newly come to H)power in Germany tried to use the occasion for his Nazi propaganda. For the first time the Olympic flame was brought all the way from Olympia to the games site in relays, a marathon journey now often taking months to B)accomplish. (本文最后一句是一个复杂的简单句。现在分词短语taking months to...修饰a marathon journey。)

  • flamen. 火焰,热情 v. 燃烧,面红,爆发 n. 情
  • scalen. 鳞,刻度,衡量,数值范围 v. 依比例决定,攀登
  • viev. 竞争
  • principlen. 原则,原理,主义,信念
  • commercialadj. 商业的 n. 商业广告
  • prospectsn. 预期;前景;潜在顾客;远景展望
  • accomplishvt. 完成
  • interruptionn. 打岔,中断
  • exceptvt. 除,除外 prep. & conj. 除了 ..
  • shadown. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处 vt. 投阴影于,跟踪