第7课 英语面试说明离职原因
日期:2017-09-28 08:09


Nestle is a quite famous company. Why do you choose to leave?

Two reasons. One is rather personal. I wish to spend more time with my family. But the fact is that I work in Beijing and my family all live here. That’s why I want to leave. And the second reason is that I felt dissatisfaction with the company’s management.
I wish to spend more time with my family. But the company is about 20 kilometers away from my home, it takes almost 3 hours to get there. Besides, I wish spend more time on the work itself not the traffic.
I often suffer from waste of time and energy because the office politics in my last job, so I chose to leave and I wish I could contribute more energy and time to my job.

1)Since my team is understaffed , my workload is much heavier than others. But my salary remained the same. I was not treated equivalently with other employees.
2)I felt that the communication between our boss and us was not enough. I rarely saw my boss coming into our office and talk with us.
3)no recognition was given to me.
1)why do you choose to leave?
I am not satisfied with my salary.
2)I am too tired because of heavy workload.

问题2:What were the biggest challenges in your last job?
The work always seemed to come in spurts. When it was busy, we had to work especially hard to stay caught up. I can remember some weeks when we never seemed to leave the office. It was hard, but we did whatever it took to get the job done.

问题3:how did you get along with your last boss?
My last manager had a very hands-off approach. That was a little scary at times, but it taught me that I can solve problems without a lot of supervision. I was always glad to get guidance, but when it didn’t come, I learned that I can figure out things for myself.
