Here are 7 Things to Eliminate From Your Fridays to Make Them More Productive:
Email – Get out of your inbox and get productive. Stop waging the email war. Some companies have designated Friday “email free” and it has made a tremendous impact of their team’s ability to get work done.
Meetings – Meetings take up way too much of our work week already. Let’s declare “No Meeting Fridays” and reclaim at least one day a week from scheduled meetings.
Negativity – It’s the end of the week, there is no time for being negative. Leave out the complaining, whining, and gossiping. Don’t associate with those who do it. You’ll be long gone for your weekend while they’re still telling stories.
Phone – Friday is a great day to stay off the phone. Instead of talking on the phone, go see people in person. Go down the hall and talk to someone face-to-face. For those who are remote workers, this may not be possible. But, you can try other more personal ways to communicate such as Facetime or Skype. The extra effort almost always pays off in the relationships built. You can’t communicate at the same level when you can’t see someone.
Interruptions – One of the best ways to reclaim your Friday is to limit interruptions. Find a place to do uninterrupted work. Maybe it means reserving a meeting room or even going offsite. Of course, set expectations with your team before you “go silent” so that they know how to reach you for a true emergency.
Unnecessary Paperwork – Keep Friday for the important work. The creative work that you can’t seem to get large time blocks for during the week. Leave the unnecessary paperwork for later. This is also a good time to look at what paperwork needs to be eliminated on a permanent basis, as well. Much of the paper-shuffling we do is unneeded in the big scheme of things.
Work Hours – I am a big proponent of the “results oriented work environment.” Get your work done and get out. There is no reason to expand your work to fit the time. The traditional work week is dead. In a ROWE, those who have been working hard all week can go home early. The rest can stay and finish their work.