Age 30 gets inflated by everyone. We’ve asked users and experts for the top 15 bad financial habits to drop by age 30. Whether you’re over or under the 30 mark, however, take heed:
1. Keeping all of your money in a checking account.
1. 所有资金都存在一个活期存款账户上。
2. Assuming that you’re too young (or too old!) to start investing for the future.
2. 以为现在开始就为将来投资,还为时过早或已经为时已晚!
3. Impulse shopping — you should learn to buy what you actually need.
3. 冲动购物——你该试着只买必需品了。
4. Asking parents for money.
4. 向父母伸手要钱。
5. Not asking for a raise when you deserve one.
5. 该加薪时羞于启齿。
6. Waiting to start your financial planning until after you’re married.
6. 等待结婚后再开始理财计划。
7. Thinking that investing can only be boring.
7. 觉得投资相当枯燥。
8. Paying your credit card without checking the charges on the bill.
8. 刷卡消费时不看账单金额多少。
9. Not having a firm grasp of your budget: what you can afford, what you can’t, when you can afford to splurge a little, and when you need to save for a while.
9. 对自己的开支没有明确的概念:什么是你能够承受的,什么又是你负担不起的;何时可以稍微奢侈一回,何时又必须得缩紧腰包。
10. Dipping into an emergency fund for non-emergencies (having nothing to wear is not an emergency!)
10. 为不紧急的事情动用应急资金。(没衣服可穿不是什么大不了的事情吧!)
11. Paying late fees — on anything.
11. 任何事情都得支付滞纳金。
12. Not saving a set amount automatically out of every paycheck.
12. 没有从每笔薪酬中自动扣除一定金额用以存款的习惯。
13. Assuming others know best when it comes to your money.
13. 以为别人最了解自己的资金。
14. Assuming that men are better at investing than women.
14. 以为男人比女人更会投资理财。
15. Ignoring coupons. They exist for a reason, you know.
15. 无视优惠券。优惠券有优惠券的好处,你懂的。