日期:2009-10-09 08:17


订货Placing Orders


A: We like your product, and are interested in placing an order with you as soon as possible.

B: Well, we can't proceed with the order until after the Christmas holiday. Our factories will be closed for another week.

A: That's alright. We will send you a purchase order in one week. I hope you will be able to take care of it.

B: No problem. Once we get your purchase order, we will begin the execution of the order right away.

A: Thanks. We need the products in less than one month, because we have a big deal with another company. By the way, will payment against delivery be OK?

B: That will be fine. And I can promise you that you will get the goods about two weeks after we get your purchase order.

● 还有,…可以吗?
1. By the way, will...be OK?
2. Also, would...be OK?
3. One more thing; is...alright with you?

"by the way"为常用口语,即‘顺便一提’的意思,但在中文里没有确切相同的翻译。这整个句型是以"by the way"做开头语,继而加问一个问题,口气上是想减弱后面跟着的要求之重要性。因为前一个要求已被应允,说话者谢过对方后,趁着和谐的商谈气氛,立刻再提出第二项要求。"will...be OK?"是‘...可行吗?’。

place an order 订货;下订单
"place"在此为‘发出’之意。"place an order"即买方向卖方订购货物的表示。若买卖标的物的价钱、品质条件已确定,买方仅须向卖方提出采购的数量与交货时间等项目即可。若基本条件尚未确定,则须请卖方发出售货报价(selling order)。为避免混淆不清,通常会以书信的方式确认订货。

purchase order 订单,订货单
又称"order sheet"、"order note"或"indent",为买方向卖方订货时所发出的书面通知。通常在买卖契约成立后,买方会将货物名称、品质、数量、价格、包装、交货及付款等交易的基本条件载明寄给卖方,作为买卖契约书。

begin the execution of an order 开始履行订单
"execution" ‘履行’。这个表达语是指卖方在接到订单后着手进行交货的工作。若卖方本身为工厂则需先取得原料,而后开始制造产品;若为贸易商,则需先与厂商联络货物的制造与交货等事宜。一般而言,‘履行订货’即卖方在确认交易成立后,将订单上的条件付诸实践。

  • purchasevt. 买,购买 n. 购买,购买的物品 n. 支
  • deliveryn. 递送,交付,分娩
  • executionn. 执行,实施,处决 n. 技巧,表演,演奏,杀
  • paymentn. 支付,付款,报偿,报应
  • proceedvi. 继续进行,开始,着手