日期:2009-09-30 07:29





A: We are having a little trouble selling the goods, so we want to ask if we could defer payment until the end of the month.

B:I can't accept that, because this will be the second time you have not met the agreed-upon payment schedule. I will get in trouble if I let you defer again.

A: OK. Would it be alright if we make the initial payment in two weeks, then pay in one-month installments after that?

B: I'll have to check with my manager, but I think it will be alright if you promise there will be no more delays after that.

A: I give you my word that payments will be made on time from now on. And I will make the initial payment a lump sum payment of half the total.

B: That is even better. I'll phone you tomorrow to let you know what my manager says.

● 我不能接受
1. I can't accept that.
2. I'm afraid I can't agree with you on that.
3. I couldn't agree with you less.

"accept"在此的解释等于"agree",是‘(心中)接受’的意思。这个句型表示不同意,语气强硬,如在句前加上"I'm afraid..."则有缓和的作用。

defer payment 延付货款
"defer" ‘延缓延期’。‘延期付款’是指卖方于货物装运出口之后,将有关的货运单据寄给买方,买方经过一段时期之后,再支付货款。这种方式对卖方风险太大,因此除非买方信誉卓著,或是卖方在进口当地设有分公司,收款较方便外,极少采用。

meet the agreed-upon payment schedule 依约定的
"schedule",‘时间表’;"payment schedule"是‘预定付款的时间’。"agreed-upon"则是从动词词组"agree upon"(同意)转化而来的,意思是‘彼此约定好的、协议好的’,而"meet the schedule"意思是‘按时间表进行、赶得上进度’。故"meet the agreed-upon schedule"是指买方按照双方所约定的付款时间交款。

initial payment 头期款
"initial"‘最初的、开头的’。"initial payment"是指分期付款一开始所付的头期款。

lump sum payment 一次付款
"lump",‘块’;"sum",‘数量’。"lump sum"是商业专用语,等于"lump sum payment",简称为"I.S."。是指不论金额多寡都一次付款,常见于包工工程契约等。是"installment"的反义词。

  • paymentn. 支付,付款,报偿,报应
  • initialn. (词)首字母 adj. 开始的,最初的,字首的 v
  • lumpn. 团,块,瘤,笨重的人 v. 使成块,形成团状,归并
  • defervt. 延期,缓召,把 ... 委托给他人 vi. 耽搁
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案