A: We feel the market will soon be on the upgrade. And it's time to work together on this new product.
B: I think we all agree that there will be a market boom soon. If we plan ahead, we shall beat our competitors.
A: Yes. When people start spending the money they saved during the market slump, we'll do well.
B: We're ready to put a lot of money into making the product. Are you going to invest in marketing to develop the market for it?
A: Yes. Our company is not making much money now, but we know if we spend money to develop the market for this product, future profits will be good.
B: It's a feature of the market that people start to buy things only when they are sure the market is getting better.
● 我们都同意…
1. (I think) we all agree that...
2. (I am sure) we all think that...
3. (I know) we all believe that...
"agree",‘赞成、同意’之意。表示谈话双方共同赞成之事。说者在听完对方提出的意见后,若有同意感则可用此句拉拢彼此的距离。"agree"的相反词为"disagree",‘大家都不同意’可译为"We all disagree with that---"。
the market is on the upgrade 市场看涨
"upgrade",‘上扬、提升’;"up"在此有‘向上’的意思。市场看涨表示经济复苏,市价逐渐向上扬升,而商品交易亦日趋活络。与之相反者为"The market is off (down)."(市场下滑)和"The market is on a downward trend."。
market boom 市场繁荣;市场景气
"boom"‘繁荣;兴盛之意’。"market boom"是指因商品的需求增加,带动工业的生产,使得市场上的交易活动热烈。与"strong market"类似。
develop a market 开发新市场;拓展市场
这个用语的基本意义是指,为一项全新推出或既有的产品寻求销售对象或通路。若针对全新产品,"develop a market" 是表示为此产品找到消费群,使之能顺利进入市场;若针对旧有产品,则表示为它开展不曾接触的贩卖领域,如增加不同的通路或销往国外。