日期:2009-08-08 11:23


1.他正在开会。 He is in conference.
2.你需要留言吗? May I take your message?
3.要我请他回你电话吗? May I have him call you back?
4.抱歉陈先生不在,你要不要跟其他人讲话? I am sorry Mr. Chen is unavailable, would you like to speak to anyone else?
5.我把这个电话转给陈先生。 I will transfer this call to Mr. Chen.
6.请你不要挂断,我替你找他的号码。 Would you hold the line, please, I will find out his number for you.
7.真抱歉,让你久等了。 I am sorry to keep you waiting.
8.他的分机号码是285. His extension number is 285.
9.他正在接听别的电话。 He is speaking on another phone.
10.请你代我留话好吗? Would you please take a message?

  • transfern. 迁移,移动,换车 v. 转移,调转,调任
  • unavailableadj. 得不到的,没空的,不能利用的
  • conferencen. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会
  • extensionn. 伸展,延长,扩充,电话分机