Unit 7b: Product development Listening So,you're launching a new product for arthritis-Arthran.Who is Arthran for exactly?Anybody who suffers from the condition.And how soon is this product going to be on the market?Well,we're launching it in five weeks' time,on 25 May,but obviously we're starting the publicity campaign before then.And is it going to be available from the chemists' as well as doctors?No,it's a powerful drug and will only be available in hospitalsor on prescription from doctors-not over the counter. I see.And what are the side effects?The amin one is tiredness.Doctors need to advise their patients not to drive while they're taking this drug.Of course,we're going to give doctors and patients all the necessary information about the drug and how to use it.And how are you going to do that?Well,at the beginning of May we're visiting doctors in hostitals and surgeries.But we're sending them detailed information packs at the end of Aprilso they can read all about the drug and prepare for our visits.And what information is there for patients?Well,about a week before the launch,we're going to give general information posters to doctorsfor them to display in their waiting rooms.What's the purpose of those?To make patients aware of the new drug so they'll ask their doctors about it.And we're also producing information leaflets at the momentfor parients who'll take the drug.They'll be available just after the launch on 25 May.