考生自述:BEC Higher 现场探报
日期:2008-11-21 21:26
The speaking test wasn't too difficult I think. Maybe because I was almost the last group to be test, the interlocutor seemed a little hurry that just let me speak one or two sentence follow the questions.
In part 1,she asked me, "Are you studying or working?"I pretended to still working in a land plan company. Then she asked me, "What interest you most in your job?"and "Do you think management is difficult to you in your company?"
Part 2 I chose the one that we prepared in your class: three factors when renting an office.
Good job!
Part 3 I talked about how to improve the internet website of a company with my partner.
-graphic design 图形设计:put less than 3 pictures on each web page to increase the loading speed of a page
- copy editing 文案:make the language user friendlier; publish bilingual copies, in both Chinese and English
- use multi-media 用多媒体 design part of the content with Flash.
- update links更新链接 make sure that all links are valid and easy to navigate
- update all text timely及时更新内容
- set up a forum for users to exchange their experience
- provide online tech support
- build a database for potential buyers to order online
Above all is the situation of the test. Something funny during the test is that when we waited for each one's turn in a large classroom, the teacher played movie Mr. Bean which made us laugh often and forget the nervous.
北外的考场侯考室重复播放Mr.Bean. 在等候的时候,你和搭档可以充分用英文预演热身。
The speaking test wasn't too difficult I think. Maybe because I was almost the last group to be test, the interlocutor seemed a little hurry that just let me speak one or two sentence follow the questions.
In part 1,she asked me, "Are you studying or working?"I pretended to still working in a land plan company. Then she asked me, "What interest you most in your job?"and "Do you think management is difficult to you in your company?"
Part 2 I chose the one that we prepared in your class: three factors when renting an office.
Good job!
Part 3 I talked about how to improve the internet website of a company with my partner.
-graphic design 图形设计:put less than 3 pictures on each web page to increase the loading speed of a page
- copy editing 文案:make the language user friendlier; publish bilingual copies, in both Chinese and English
- use multi-media 用多媒体 design part of the content with Flash.
- update links更新链接 make sure that all links are valid and easy to navigate
- update all text timely及时更新内容
- set up a forum for users to exchange their experience
- provide online tech support
- build a database for potential buyers to order online
Above all is the situation of the test. Something funny during the test is that when we waited for each one's turn in a large classroom, the teacher played movie Mr. Bean which made us laugh often and forget the nervous.
北外的考场侯考室重复播放Mr.Bean. 在等候的时候,你和搭档可以充分用英文预演热身。