日期:2014-11-04 14:11



February 25, 2005
Dear Gerald,
Do you remember me? We went to high school together many years ago. We used to eat lunch together in our junior and senior years. We were also in Mrs. Nelson’s English class together. She used to get mad at me because I always turned in my assignments late.
You are no doubt wondering why I am writing you after all these years. The truth is there is no special reason. I was just looking through our high school yearbook the other day, and I started wondering what had happened to all my old classmates.
Let me tell you a little about what I have been up to. As you may remember, I went to the University of Michigan after high school. After I graduated, I went overseas to teach English in Taiwan. I came back last year and now I’m working on a graduate degree. I hope we can meet sometime and I’ll give you the details.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Rick Schultz

瑞克‧史库滋 敬上


1.get mad at…对……发脾气/生气
例:Whenever John spends all day watching sports on TV,
his wife gets mad at him.

2. turn in.二交/缴……
例;We have to turn in our assignments tomorrow

3. assignment 指定作业

4. no doubt无疑地
=without doubt
例:Vanessa will no doubt win the beauty contest.

5. wonder 想知道,对……感到好奇
例:I wonder how he will do it/where he lives.

6. look throw沙…翻阅……
例:The man sat in the hotel lobby,looking through amagazine.

7.yearbook 年鉴,毕业纪念册

8.…what I have been up to.……我一直在做什么。
=...what I have been doing.

9. graduate 毕业邑,研究所的
graduate from…毕业于……
a graduate degree研究所的学位(硕士或博士)
例:Has your younger brother graduated from high school yet?

10. go overseas到海外
overseas [,auvasi:z} ad.向/在海外
例:Many young New Zealanders go overseas to travel for a few years before they get jobs.

11. work on…致力于……
例:The author is working on a new novel.

12. look forward to V-ing/N期望/等待……
例:I'm looking forward to my next vacation.

  • assignmentn. 分配,功课,任务,被指定的(课外)作业;(分派的)
  • sincerelyadv. 真诚地,真心地
  • contestn. 竞赛,比赛 vt. 竞赛,争取 vi. 奋斗
  • senioradj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的 n. 年长