1.lay off 使……下岗
例句:No one will be laid off without the full agreement of the trade union.
2.latent demand 潜在需求
In many cases, a substantial number of people share a need for a product or service that does not yet exist. This is called latent demand.
3.law of large numbers 大数定律(随机现象中的基本规律)
4.leaderless group discussion 无领导群体讨论
5.lay-over (旅行中途的)短暂停留
例句:Long lay-overs and flight delays play havoc on your body’s sleep cycle.
6.letter of application 申请函、求职申请书
例句:We have received over 2000 letters of application for the job.
7.letter of rejection 回绝函
例句:About one month after he sent the application, he got a letter of rejection.
8.letter opening machine 拆信器
例句:A letter opening machine cuts open envelopes of letters received.
9.letter of intent 意向书(表明诚意要做某事的正式文件,但不属于承诺或合同)
10.letter quality printer 优质字符打印机(能打印出清晰字体,适合商务通信)
例句:Make sure you use the letter quality printer to print out those letters.