我们减少到每台8.7万美元,订购超过100台给予5%的折扣。 We think $ 87,000 per unit with a five percent discount for orders over 100.
单价似乎合理,但我们希望给予更高的折扣率。 Your unit price seems fair enough, but were hoping for a higher discount rate.
订购500台或500台以上都不得有可能给予7%的折扣。 Seven percent would be possible for orders for, say, 500 or more.
你们的产品最优惠的价格是多少呢? Whats the best price youre prepared to offer for your product?
这要根据所订的数量而定。 It depends on the quantity ordered.
你认为你们产品的价格公平吗? What do you think will be a fair price for your product?
你们每件要价多少呢? How much do you charge per unit?
这种产品你们的批发价是多少呢? Whats your wholesale price on this item?
总折扣你们准备提供多少? How much of a volume discount are you prepared to offer?
考虑到产品的性质和运输时间那看来太快了。 That seems quite soon considering the nature of the product and shipping time.
其他买主对这货物很满意,但如果你能先付40%货款,我们可以延迟交运。 Other buyers are satisfied with it, but we could delay it if you could pay 40 percent up front.
运费恐怕要由制造厂商来承担。 Delivery costs will have to be borne by the manufacturer, I'm afraid.
如果你能保证用惩罚延误发货方式准时发货,你的销售价我们可以接受。 If you can guarantee on-time delivery with a penalty for late delivery, we can accept your sales price.
运费由谁来负责呢? Whose responsibility are the shipment charges?
谁负担运费呢? Who assumes shipment cost?
那是属于买方的责任,我们仅承担提供所有文件的费用。 That would be the responsibility of the buyer. We are prepared, however, to provide all the document.tion costs.
我们也要贵方负责保险以及把货物运到港口的费用。 We would also want you to cover insurance and the cost of transporting the goods to the port.
如果是那样,我们也许需要重新讨论价格。 In that case, we might need to reopen the question of prices.
我们希望常规的发货时间是什么时候呢? When could we typically expect delivery?
惩罚延迟发货有什么保证呢? What sort of guarantees are there against late delivery?
请告诉我们几种可能的运输方式的价格。 Please show us the shipping costs for several possible carries.
我们必须核查一下由其他供应商提供的费率。 Well have to check these rates against those charged by other suppliers.
我们现在开始开会好吗? Shall we start the meeting now?
谢谢你出席今天的会议。 Thank you for attending todays meeting.
在议程上第一件事就是销售额下降了。 The first thing on the agenda is the drop in sales.
本次会议的目的就是要讨论对悬而未解的问题的可能解决办法。 The purpose of this meeting is to discuss possible solutions for the pending issues.
让我们看一下议程讨论第一项。 Lets look at the agenda and talk the first item.
史密斯先生,你要开始做事了吗? Mr. Smith, would you like to start things off?
我们已进行很久了,让我们休息一下好吗? Weve gone over quite a lot. Shall we take a break?
我不知道你们是否要休息,但我想休息片刻。 I dont know about the rest of you, but i'd like a break.
我们暂停一下,10分钟后继续。 Lets stop here and continue in about 10 minutes.
哦,我认为我们该回到正题上了。 Well, I think its time we get back to business.
请你们各位就坐好吗?我们要继续开会了。 Could all of you take your seats? We need to continue our meeting.
今天就到这儿了。 Thats all for today.
让我们今天就到此为止吧。 Lets call it a day.
下星期二下午怎样?各位没有意见吧? How about on Tuesday afternoon of next week? Is that okay with everyone?
对不起,星期二我无法参加。 I'm sorry. I cant make it on Tuesday.
所以,我要进行下一阶段了。 And so, i'd like to proceed to the next stage.
对不起,我可以问个问题吗? Excuse me, i'd like to ask you a question.