2010年12月23日一期聚焦一个商务词条,例句,热词解析,积少成多,让大家快速有效得掌握时尚、实用的商务英语。 BEC热词聚集第1期: 汽车以旧换新
The simultaneous emergence of the "rich second generation" has triggered a heated debate in the Chinese media.
rich second generation:就是如今的“富二代”。
而poor second generation(贫二代)则是从rich second generation(也可以略写为Rich 2G)衍生出的字眼。
顾名思义,rich second generation出生自富裕的nouveau riche(新兴富裕)家庭,他们身着brand-name clothes(名牌服饰),开着luxury cars(豪华轿车),很多人认为这些rich second generation纯属是在flaunt their wealth(炫富)。
但并不是所有高校都支持学生开车进学校。例如在复旦大学,即使是回校充电的MBA也不准开车进校园,而且很多道路设计成了one-way street(单行道),而上海交大则在校内提供了shuttle bus(摆渡车)和bicycle rental service(自行车出租服务)。
While the lavishing of gifts by the country's nouveau riche on their children is seen as beyond reproach, the sharp contrast they present with the poor students, who have never seen 10 100-yuan-notes at one time, is arousing concern over the yawning wealth gap.