稍微初级一点的方式就是在别人说完一句话后,开始用这个表达,比如通常情况下,我们说灯光昏暗,可能会用到there is not enough light around或者it is dark right here。但是偶尔听到一个人用到了非常地道的表达,如the light is dim。总觉得和我们平日的习惯不同,于是便开始找机会用出去。在那个人说完the light is dim之后,马上说一句definitely, the light is always dim here. 当然,也可以趁机问问旁边的人do you think the light is dim here? 这样一个表达,在你的耳中听到了一次,口中重复了两次,加工的过程是在你的心中进行的重复,自然应该能够记牢的。重复次数足够多,自然就记住了。
有的东西念念不忘,却不经意间忘记了,因为你重复的是“不要忘”,却忘记了不应该忘记的内容,我们熟悉的是I have a dream,却忘记了后面dream的内容,因为我们每次重复的都是I have a dream,至于每个具体的dream是什么,却很少有人反复研读。同理,有很多东西很想刻意让自己忘掉,却怎么都忘不掉。最经典的例子是韩剧,一个女人好不容易看上一个男的,男的又喜欢另外一个女的,好不容易纠结了几十集,这个女生情感有了归属,后来发现对方要么和她是兄妹,要么是姐弟,要么是恋人,但是会经历车祸,要么就是失意,要么就是血癌,于是她总会躲在被子里面哭,说:“我一定要忘掉xx,我一定要忘掉xx,我一定要忘掉xx”然后把被子一掀,痛哭:“哎,怎么就是忘不掉呢?”我在旁边窃窃地说:“都重复了说三遍了,还忘得掉么?”
最好的办法就是在听到别人用significant这类词的时候,开始不断的创造环境重复这个词,让自己强化,比如对方说it is significant to receive higher education. 我们可以像刚才一样同意他的观点,说it is definitely significant to receive higher education. 也可以不赞同的他的观点,说it is definitely significant to receive higher education but it would be more significant to let people know the significance of high-learning. 然后讲出自己观点和理由,接着问旁边的人说both of us agree that it is significant to receive higher education and I am wondering what might be the most significant thing we need to do to let people know the significance of this mission? 这样又可以再不断重复,走到另外一组可以再复述刚才讨论过的话题,用到刚才用过的你的和组里面所有人的语言习惯。效果绝佳。唯一一点是要注意,老外说话的时候不会把一个词重复那么多次,所以可以适当有一些变化,如果做不出变化,那就适当给自己一点时间思考下面一句话怎么构思,在别人说话的时候倾听,然后表达。当然,顺便说一下,有人在纠结用important, critical, significant, vital, crucial, essential, fundamental等中的哪个比较好,其实外国人不会因为你用了其中一个就会判定你的语言程度达到了某个水平,这些词每个都有“重要”的意思,却在特定环境下都有独一无二的属性,如果你想研究,可以参看近义词词典,如果没工夫研究,又想练出去,最简单的方法就是用一系列结构,能够尽量多的涌出这些词,比如我常用的A, B, or even C结构,可以说 it is important, critical or even highly essential to receive higher education, as far as…is specifically concerned. 只要层次是在不断提升,或者表达有所递进的话,就可以一举两得,既可以表达内容,又可以不断打造自己的语言习惯。
A: Let’s touch upon environmental issues.
B: Practically, every environmental problem we have can be traced to our addiction to fossil fuels, primarily oil.
A: Practically, the use of energy and resources, primarily oil, can be traced to our daily life. Specifically, to keep a lamp burning we have to keep putting oil in it, not to mention other human activities related to industries.
B: Exactly, but the price we pay for our addiction related to energy has already been too high.
A: Ispet seems that we can not live without consuming energy and resources and this sort of mentality has gradually become a habit which we can hardly escape; that is basically when addiction happens. In a consumer society there are inevitably two kinds of slaves: the prisoners of addiction and the prisoners of envy. Specifically, the book can produce an addiction as fierce as heroin or nicotine, forcing us to spend much of our lives on it, not to mention those energies.
B: True. If we think outside the box, there are a lot of things that can be done without our being addicted to. Prayer does not use up artificial energy, doesn't burn up any fossil fuel, doesn't pollute. Neither does song, neither does love, neither does the dance.
A: But these activities should inevitably be based on human survival and living standard improvement; that is basically when a large amount of energy consumption becomes a must but there are still other ways out to prevent over-consumption and environmental problems.