affinity (group) card 团体(组织)卡(志为具有共同背景或是联系 的个人群体,如人事相同专业、校友或退休人员组织等共同使用的信用卡)
after-care service 售后服务
例:Make sure that the company you buy from can offer a comprehensive and convenient after-care service.
after-sales service 1 售后服务(常用于汽车、电脑、家用电器等耐用消费品)
例:We off a full after-sales service.
after-sales service 2 售后服务中心
例:Many large companies in Shanghai have geared themselves to the international conventions and set up after-sales services accepting repairs and dealing with customers' complaints.
after-sales warranty 售后保单
against all risks 保全险
例:These are goods insured against all risks.
agency 代理行,经销处,公众服务机构,代理公司,中介公司
例:The firm has agencies all over the world.
agenda 议程
例:An agenda is a list of things to discuss at a meeting.
agent 1 代理商,代理人
例:He is an authorized agent for a large insurance company.
agent 2 作用力
例:We believe that business can be a powerful agent for social change.
aggressive police-style interview technique 咄咄逼人的警察审犯人式的面谈方式
例:He does not suggest an aggressive police-style interview technique, but insists that close inspection of a curriculum vitae is absolutely essential.
aggressive reporting 乐观高估的财务报告
例: Some financial statements tend to increase income(aggressive reporting), others decrease income( conservative reporting).
agribusiness 企业化农业,家业综合企业
例:He works for an agribusiness company.
agro-industry (化肥制造、仓库建筑等)农用工业
agency recruitment通过职业介绍所招聘
例:Recruitment in the UK is divided into agency recruitment, advertising or executive search.
airlines 航空公司(多用于航空公司名称中)
例: English Royal Dutch Airlines (均大写)
air miles 里程奖 亦作 air-miles awards
例1: The attraction of air miles is easy to understand.
例2: Air-miles awards for frequent flyers are one of airline services.
air time 通话时间
例: Traditionally, cellar(此处应为cellular,谢谢千千提醒) users have paid the air time for incoming calls as well as outgoing.
airways 航空公司(主要用于航空公司名称中)
例: British Airways
alcometer酒精检测仪(通过检查呼吸测出血液中酒精含量的仪器),亦作Breathalyzer, drunkometer
例:We are empowered to stop any motorist for routine reasons, and we can ask them to blow into the Alcometer if we think they might be over the limit.
all-expenses-paid trip (由公司出钱的)免费旅行
例: To reward the top sellers, the company is offering them an all-expenses-paid trip to Las Vegas in America.
allotment 配股
例: Allotment has been made by random draw because of oversubscription.
all-risk policy 全险,综合险,全险保单
例: We have taken out an all-risk policy on the electronic equipment.
alternative 非主流的
例: Coca-cola already has 8 per cent of the alternative beverage market.
aluminum can 易拉罐, 亦作ring-pull can或pop
amalgamate 合并
例:The two firms are amalgamating to increase productivity and save running costs.
amenity 1 (常作amenities)便利设施; 生活福利设施
例: The large 17th century house has been tastefully renovated and refurbished to provide all the amenities of a modern conference center.
amenity 2 设施齐全的现代化福利生活区
例: This area has been developed into an amenity.
American Express 美国运通信用卡
例: Departure-tax stamps can be bought at airports and post offices with Australian currency or by American Express, Visa or MasterCard.
American plan 美式酒店服务(提供住宿、一日三餐及一应服务),美式收费制(包括缮宿及一应服务费在内的旅馆收费制)
例:American plan includes bed, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
amortization 摊销
例:Amortization is the depreciation of intangible assets such as Patents and Goodwill.
angle 投资天使,对个人投资者(private investors)的别称,也叫 angel invester
例1:It's important to start networking to find an angel long before you actually need the capital.
例2:Angel investor: An individual investor who has made one or more equity investments in emerging growth technology firms.