日期:2010-11-23 07:50


Phase I
  I: Good morning/afternoon. I'm ... and this is my colleague .... S/he's just going to listen to us. Could I have your mark sheets, please? (To A) What's your name? Where are you from? A:回答
  I: Thank you. (To B) And you? B:回答
  I: Thanks. Do you work or are you a student, B? B: 回答
  I: (What do you do? What do you study?) B:回答
  I: What about you, A? (What do you do? What do you study?) A: 回答
  I: What do you like most about your job/studies, A? A:回答
  I: (Why?) A:回答
  I: What about you, B? B:回答
  Phase II
  I: A, which specific skills will you need most in your career? (Why?) A:回答
  I: How about you, B? (Why?) B:回答
  I: B, what qualities does a good employee need to have? (Why?) B:回答
  I: What do you think, A? A:回答
  I: A, to what extent is it possible to train people in interpersonal skills? (Why/Why not?) A:回答
  I: B, which special qualities do you think managers need to have? (Why?) B:回答
  I: Do you find the internet useful for your work/studies, A? (Why/Why not?) A:回答
  I: How about you, B? (Why/Why not?) B:回答
  I: Do you think the internet will become more widely used by companies in the future, B? (Why/Why not?)B:回答
  I: What do you think, A? A:回答
  I: Do you think that the internet is an effective channel for marketing a company's products, A? (Why/Why not?) A:回答
  I: Do you think other forms of advertising will continue to be more important than the internet, B? (Why/Why not?) B:回答
  I: How ambitious are you for your career, A? (Why/Why not?) A:回答
  I: How about you, B? (Why/Why not?) B:回答
  I: Do you think you are or would be a good manager, B? (Why/Why not?) B:回答
  I: A, what do you think? (Why/Why not?) A:回答
  I: Would you rather be a manager in a small company or a large corporation, A? (Why) A:回答
  I: Would you like to be the head of your own business, B? (Why/Why not?) B:回答
  I: How do you feel about being away from home on business, A? (Why) A:回答
  I: What about you, B? (Why?) B:回答
  I: Do you think all hotels should provide special facilities for business people, B? (Why/Why not?) B:回答
  I: How about you, A? What do you think? (Why/Why not?) A:回答
  I: Do you think it is an advantage to stay in a large international hotel rather than a small hotel when on business, A? (Why/Why not?) A:回答
  I: Do you prefer to stay in a hotel on your own or with colleagues, B? (Why?) B:回答
  • employeen. 雇员
  • corporationn. 公司,法人,集团
  • ambitiousadj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,野心勃勃的
  • extentn. 广度,宽度,长度,大小,范围,范围,程度 n. [
  • effectiveadj. 有效的,有影响的
  • channeln. 通道,频道,(消息)渠道,海峡,方法 vt. 引导
  • advantagen. 优势,有利条件 vt. 有利于
  • specificadj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的 n. 特效药,特性
  • colleaguen. 同事