日期:2010-07-06 07:10



1.amalgamate vi.联合;合并;企业合并;混合
  【商务用语】amalgamated company 合并企业
  amalgamated product 融和积
2.amass vt.收集,积聚(尤指财富)
  【商务用语】amass a fortune 积攒财富
  【例句】During each war the monopoly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth.
3.ambiguity n.含义模糊,不确定
  【商务用语】semantic ambiguity 语义含混(性)
  signal ambiguity 信号不定性
  structural ambiguity 结构歧义
4.amend vt.修正 vi.改良
  【例句】The teacher advised him to amend his way of living.
5.amendment n.修改;修正案;订正单
  【商务用语】revised amendment 修订的修正案
  tariff amendment 运价表订正单
  budget amendment 追加预算
  amendment of a contract 修改合同
  【例句】The discussion on the amendment of the tax law passed off without a hitch.
6.ailing adj.生病的,境况不佳的
  【商务用语】ailing economy 病态经济
  【例句】The finance of our company is involved in ailing situation.
7.airway n.空中航线
  【商务用语】airway bill 航运收据
  airway delivery note 空运提货单
  international airway 国际航路
  global airway 环球航路
8.alliance n.联盟,联合
  【商务用语】economical alliance 经济联盟
  international Co-operative Alliance 国际合作社联盟
  National Alliance of Businessmen 全国合作社联盟
  【例句】The two countries made an alliance.
9.allocation n. 拨款权,拨款;分摊,分配
  【商务英语】allocation of funds 资金分配
  additional allocation 增拨
  additional budget allocation 追加预算
  advance allocation 预付拨款
10.allotment n.分配数,按照分配;拨款
  【商务用语】appropriation allotment 支出分配数
  approved budget allotment 核定预算分配数
  no-paid allotment 无偿分发新股票
  specific allotment 特定预算分配

  • amendmentn. 改善(正), 修正案,某物质能改善土壤有助生长
  • fundsn. 基金;资金,现金(fund的复数) v. 提供资金
  • amalgamatevt. 合并,混合
  • signaln. 信号,标志 v. (发信号)通知、表示 adj.
  • ambiguityn. 含糊不清,模棱两可
  • additionaladj. 附加的,另外的
  • globaladj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的
  • budgetn. 预算 vt. 编预算,为 ... 做预算 vi.
  • fortunen. 财产,命运,运气
  • appropriationn. 拨用,挪用,拨款