日期:2014-03-04 17:15


移民部最新发布的消息称,所有符合资格的申请人都将自动获签发多次加国入境签证(Multiple-entry visa),这将允许游客在加拿大逗留6个月至10年期间随便出入境,不用重新申请入境签证。
取消加拿大单次签证 全改成10年多次入境
此新签证政策的推出意味着以后加拿大的主要签证就是多次入境签证和超级签证,两者唯一的区别在于前者(Multiple-entry visa)一次最多停留6个月,后者(Super visa)一次最多停留期为2年。

News Release — Travellers to benefit from Canada’s shift to multiple-entry visas
Multiple-entry visas make it easier for travellers to visit Canada
February 3, 2014—Ottawa—Office of Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister—Visitors to Canada will automatically be considered for a multiple-entry visa, starting on February 6, 2014. Multiple-entry visas allow qualified visitors to come and go from Canada for six months at a time for up to 10 years without having to reapply each time.
By harmonizing the single- and multiple-entry visa fees, the visa application process will become simpler for applicants and promote tourism and trade by increasing the number of eligible travellers who are able to make multiple visits to Canada.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada will increase other fees in the temporary resident program, effective February 6, 2014. These changes will reduce the burden on Canadian taxpayers and ensure that fees closely reflect the real cost of processing applications.
These increases include (all figures in CAD $):
$25 for study permits and renewals;
$5 increase for work permits and renewals;
$25 increase for extensions to remain in Canada as a visitor;
$100 as the maximum fee for a family to apply for TRVs; and
$15 as the maximum work permit fee for a group of performing artists and their staff.


  • benefitn. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演 vt. 有益于,得
  • automaticallyadv. 自动地,机械地
  • effectiveadj. 有效的,有影响的
  • temporaryadj. 暂时的,临时的 n. 临时工
  • promotevt. 促进,提升,升迁; 发起; 促销
  • cadn. 无赖,下流人;下流男子,卑鄙的男人
  • permitn. 许可证,执照 v. 允许,许可
  • qualifiedadj. 有资格的,有限制的
  • reflectv. 反映,反射,归咎
  • applicationn. 应用; 申请; 专心 n. 应用软件程序