美国高等院校的质量认证一般由专业认证机构负责,经美国教育部认可的专业认证机构主要有六大区域认证机构及近百个专业认证机构。联邦政府通过认证机构间接起到对各院校的管理与规范。全美高等教育认证委员会(CHEA)是协调并审核认证机构的专业机构。 通过区域性认证协会或其它专业认证机构的认证,各院校可实现学分相互转换,所颁发的学位证书或文凭证书能获得社会的广泛认可。
Academy of Cosmetology (Bozeman)
Academy of Nail & Skin Technology, LLP (Billings)
Blackfeet Community College (Browning)
Butte Academy of Beauty Culture, Inc. (Butte)
Carroll College (Helena)
Chief Dull Knife Memorial College (Lame Deer)
The College of Coiffure Art (Billings)
Dahl‘s College of Beauty, Inc. (Great Falls)
David L. Pals & Associates, Inc. (Billings)
Dawson Community College (Glendive)
Flathead Valley Community College (Kalispell)
Fort Belknap College (Harlem)
Fort Peck Community College (Poplar)
Helena College of Technology, The University of Montana (Helena)
Little Big Horn College (Crow Agency)
Miles Community College (Miles City)
Modern Beauty School, Inc. (Missoula)
The Montana College of Cosmetology (Missoula)
Montana State University - Billings (Billings)
Montana State University - Bozeman (Bozeman)
Montana State University, College of Technology - Great Falls (Great Falls)
Montana State University - Northern (Havre)
Montana Tech of The University of Montana (Butte)
Rocky Mountain College (Billings)
Sage Technical Services (Billings)
Salish Kootenai College (Pablo)
Stone Child College (Box Elder)
University of Great Falls (Great Falls)
University of Montana - Missoula (Missoula)
University of Montana - Western (Dillon)