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日期:2012-01-05 15:28


  通信工程 Communications Engineering








  Communications Engineering通常是EE专业的一个分支,很多资料普遍研究的是EE的就业与薪酬,而没有单独细分通信方向的就业数据。现在留学专家主要介绍Engineering Technicians这个岗位的就业与薪酬情况,以下内容有EE各方向的薪酬概况。(Wired telecommunications carriers这个行业属大部分通信专业首选)

  Engineering Technicians工程技术人员

  ·Electrical and electronic engineering technicians make up 33 percent of all engineering technicians. Electrical and electronics engineering technicians help design, develop, test, and manufacture electrical and electronic equipment such as communication equipment; radar, industrial, and medical monitoring or control devices; navigational equipment; and computers.

  Median annual earnings in May 2006 of engineering technicians by specialty are shown in the following tabulation.

  · Aerospace engineering and operations technicians $53,300

  · Electrical and electronic engineering technicians $50,660

  · Industrial engineering technicians $46,810

  · Mechanical engineering technicians $45,850

  · Electro-mechanical technicians $44,720

  · Civil engineering technicians $40,560

  · Environmental engineering technicians $40,560

  Median annual earnings of wage-and-salary electrical and electronics engineering technicians were $50,660 in May 2006. The middle 50 percent earned between $39,270 and $60,470. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $30,120, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $73,200. Median annual earnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of electrical and electronics engineering technicians are:

  · Wired telecommunications carriers $54,780

  · Engineering services $48,330

  · Semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing $45,720

  · Navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control instruments manufacturing $45,140

  · Employment services $38,910

  2010 USNews电子/电气/通信工程

  1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1 Stanford University 1 University of California Berkeley

  4 University of Illinois Urbana Champaign 5 California Institute of Technology 6 Georgia Institute of Technology

  7 Carnegie Mellon University 7 University of Michigan Ann Arbor 9 Cornell University

  10 Purdue University,West Lafayette 10 The University of Texas at Austin 12 Princeton University

  12 University of Southern California 14 University of California Los Angeles 15 University of Maryland College Park

  15 University of Wisconsin Madison 17 University of California San Diego 18 Johns Hopkins University

  18 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University



  University of California-Berkeley

  2010 US News电子/电气/通信工程排名第1

  2010 USNews综合排名第21位

  学校所在地:加州 伯克利市


  留学专家介绍,伯克利在世界范围内拥有崇高的学术声誉,在其所拥有的100多个子学科里,有众多世界级的学术大师(或称学术大牛)。曾在伯克利工作和深造的诺贝尔奖得主不少于65位,其中包括22位教授和校友。9位图灵奖更是位居世界第一。伯克利与相距不远同样地处美国西海岸的斯坦福,以及东海岸的哈佛、麻省理工一起,被誉为美国社会不朽的学术脊梁。此外,伯克利的教授中有136 位美国科学院院士(仅次于哈佛)和87位美国工学院院士(仅次于MIT)。据ARWU学术排名来看,伯克利加州大学一直与哈佛大学、斯坦福大学一起屹立于世界学术研究前三的位置。此外,伯克利的研究生教育(GraduateEducation)一直被认为是美国最为顶尖的水平,其每年培养的杰出人才在过去的100多年来,为美国社会做出了杰出贡献,同时也为世界培养了很多国际人才。其影响遍及全球。


  Communications and networking(COMNET),Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences (EECS),College of Engineering


  · GPA3.0以上,TOEFL最低要求68分,或雅思7分, GRE成绩(根据学校往年录取情况,建议1400分以上,录取者的GRE阅读部分平均595分)


  · 2010年秋季在线申请截止时间为2009年12月16日晚上11:59:59(太平洋标准时间)

  · 2010年秋季支持材料(成绩单、推荐信、GRE、托福成绩)在2010年1月8日前寄到。


  · EE 120/120L. Signals and Systems

  · EE 121. Introduction to Digital Communication Systems

  · EE 122. Introduction to Communication Networks

  · EE 142. Integrated Circuits for Communication

  · EE 223. Stochastic Systems: Estimation and Control

  · EE 224/224A. Digital Communication

  · EE 224B. Wireless Communication

  · EE 226A. Random Processes in Systems

  · EE 228A. High Speed Communication Networks

  · EE 228B. Communication Networks

  · EE 229/229A. Information Theory and Coding

  · EE 229B. Error Control Coding

  · EE 290Q. Signal Processing for Communications

  · EE 290S. Advanced Topics in Communications and Information Theory


  Information Theory and Coding

  Multiterminal problems. Delay. Feedback (noisy and noiseless). Adversarial vs random uncertainty models. Separation theorems and layering. Low density parity check codes. Novel algorithms for decoding. Message passing algorithms. Power-optimized algorithms.

  Wireless and Sensor Networks

  Architectures and protocols for ad-hoc, mobile and vehicular networks. Multiple antennas. Opportunistic communication, cognitive radio, and spectrum sharing. Distributed source coding. Distributed estimation. Spatial sampling.

  Network Design and Analysis

  Optical networking. Market-based architectures. Incentive compatibility. Auction design. Peer-to-peer networks. Quality of Service. Communication for control. Cross-layer optimization. Network coding. Simulation tools.


  Secure wired and wireless links. Network availability and resilience. Market based approaches. Authentication and Identity. Regulation.


  Energy-efficient transceivers. VLSI Implementation of codes. Ultra low-energy wireless sensors. Communication system/circuit co-design.


  Borivoje Nikolic Professor


  ·Communications & Networking (COMNET) ·Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC)

  ·Design of Electronic Systems (DES) ·Integrated Circuits (INC)

  研究中心: Berkeley Wireless Research Center (BWRC)

  • samplingn. 抽样,样品 动词sample的现在分词形式
  • spectrumn. 光谱,范围,系列
  • secureadj. 安全的,牢靠的,稳妥的 vt. 固定,获得,使
  • mechanicaladj. 机械的,力学的,呆板的 n. (供制版用的)样
  • implementationn. 落实,履行,安装启用
  • manufacturen. (复)产品,制造,制造业 v. 制造,捏造
  • availabilityn. 有效,有用,有益;可得到的人(或物)
  • identityn. 身份,一致,特征
  • uncertaintyn. 不确定,不可靠,半信半疑 (学术)不可信度; 偏差
  • delayv. 耽搁,推迟,延误 n. 耽搁,推迟,延期