Essay 1 (750-1000 words)
As a leader in global business, Wharton is committed to sustaining "a truly global presence through its engagement in the world." What goals are you committed to and why? How do you envision the Wharton MBA contributing to the attainment of those goals?
这道题如果用简单的语言表达,就是what's your goal? why this goal? Why Wharton MBA? (你的目标是什么?为什么有这样的目标?为什么申请沃顿商学院?) 。职业目标是商学院重点考虑的因素,你的职业目标既要结合实际(切合你的学术背景和职业背景),又要有一定前瞻性。在说明职业目标的时候也需要解释为什么有这样的职业目标,通过对职业目标的解读,录取委员会了解到你的个性、视野、领导潜力等。
Essay 2 (750-1000 words)
Tell us about a time when you had to adapt by accepting/understanding the perspective of people different from yourself.
Essay 3 (500 words)
Describe a failure that you have experienced. What role did you play, and what did you learn about yourself?
Essay 4 (500 words)
Choose one of the following:
Give us a specific example of a time when you solved a complex problem.
Tell us about something significant that you have done to improve yourself, in either your professional and/or personal endeavors.
Essay 5 (Optional) — (250 words)
If you feel there are extenuating circumstances of which the Committee should be aware, please explain them here (e.g., unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, significant weaknesses in your application).