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日期:2014-04-17 16:35


  desultory: 不连贯的,disconnected; random; lacking in consistency or order
  1) lacking connection; aimless; random
  2) lacking in relevance
  3) marked by lack of definite plan, regularity, or purpose
  4) not connected with the main subject
  5) disappointing in progress, performance, or quality 6) moving or jumping from one thing to another; disconnected7) occurring haphazardly; random. chance.
  6) aimless haphazard digressing at random
  7) moving in a random, directionless manner
  8) random; disconnected; rambling
  9) jumping from one thing to another; disconnected
  desultory <> assiduous, strictly methodical, carefully planned
  desultory = random, aimless, casual, haphazard, indiscriminate, unconsidered, unplanned
  desultory : plan
  The thefts were occurring in a desultory manner making them difficult to track.
  The jury had difficulty following the witnesses desultory testimony.

  • consistencyn. 坚持,一致性,强度,硬度,浓稠度
  • testimonyn. 证明,证据
  • indiscriminateadj. 无差别的,不分皂白的,杂陈的
  • haphazardadj. 偶然的,随意的,杂乱无章的 adv. 杂乱地,
  • methodicaladj. 有条不紊的,井然的
  • definiteadj. 明确的,确切的,有把握的
  • randomadj. 随机的,随意的,任意的 adv. 随机地 n.
  • unplannedadj. 意外的;在计划外的;未经筹划的
  • assiduousadj. 勤勉的,刻苦的
  • disconnectedadj. 分离的;无系统的;不连贯的 v. 分离(dis