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日期:2014-02-21 16:44


  gainsay deny, contradict
  gambol quick, playful jumping
  garment article of clothing
  garrulous too talkative
  gaucherie socially awkward, tactless bahaviour
  gist the point, general sense
  glib ready and smooth but not sincere
  gloat over look at with selfish delight
  glut supply to much, fill to excess
  gossamer soft, light, delicate material
  gouge tool for cutting grooves in wood
  grave serious, requiring consideration
  grievance cause for complaint or protest
  grievous causing grief or suffering
  grooves long channel in the surface, habital way of living
  grovel crawl, humble oneself
  guile deceit, cunning
  gull cheat, decieve
  gullible easily

  • graven. 坟墓,墓穴 adj. 严肃的,严重的,庄重的
  • garrulousadj. 饶舌的,多嘴的,啁啾不休的
  • gainsayv. 否认
  • delicaten. 精美的东西 adj. 精美的,微妙的,美味的,纤细
  • playfuladj. 爱玩耍的,幽默的
  • grievousadj. 痛苦的,严重的,充满悲伤的
  • smoothadj. 平稳的,流畅的,安祥的,圆滑的,搅拌均匀的,可
  • contradictvt. 反驳,与 ... 矛盾
  • glibadj. 能说善道的,(说话)不假思索的,轻易随口的
  • excessn. 过量,超过,过剩 adj. 过量的,额外的