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日期:2014-02-21 16:43


  hallow make holy, regard as holy
  hamper basket with a lid, prevent free movement or activity
  hapless unlucky
  harsh rough, cruel, stern
  heed pay attention; notice
  heresy belief contrary to what is generally acceted
  hoax mischievous trick played on smb for a joke
  hollow not soled, witha hole
  holster leather case for a pistol
  hone stone used for sharpening tools
  hurdle light frame, fence to be jumped over
  idolatrous worshipping idols
  immaculate pure, faultless
  imminent likely to come or happen soon
  impaired damaged, weakened
  impending imminent, being about to happen, expected
  imperative urgent, essential
  imperiousness haughty, arrogant, commanding
  impetuous moving quickly, impulsive without care
  impiety lack of reverence or dutifulness
  implausibility incredibility
  implicate show that smb has a share
  implicit implied though not plainly expressed
  imply make a suggestion
  impromptu without preparation
  impudence being rash, indisreet
  impugned challenged, to be doubted
  inasmuch since, because
  inchoate just begun, half-form state
  incise engrave, make a cut in
  incite stir up, rouse
  inclined directing the mind in a certain direction
  incoherently not consistently, unclearly
  incongruous out of place, not in harmony or agreement
  incorrigibility cannot be cured or corrected
  incumbents official duties
  incursion sudden attack
  indelible that cannot be rubbed out
  indigence poverty
  indigenous native
  indistinct not easily heard, seen, clearly marked
  inept unskillful; said or done at the wrong time
  infertile not fertile, barren
  infertility being not fertile
  infuse put, pour, fill
  inhibit hinder, restrain
  innocuous causing no harm
  insipid without taste or flavour
  insularity being narrow-minded
  intersperse place here and there
  intransigent uncompromising
  introspection examining one's own thoughts and feelings
  invective abusive language, curses
  inveigle trick by using flattery, deception
  inveterate deep-rooted. long-established
  irate angry
  ire anger
  irksome tiresome
  irrelevant not relevant, not connected
  irrevocable final and unalterable
  itinerary plan for a journey, details or records of a route

  • hinderadj. 后面的 vt. 阻碍,打扰 vi. 阻碍
  • irksomeadj. 厌恶的,讨厌的,令人厌烦的
  • introspectionn. 内省,反省,自省
  • invectiven. 恶言漫骂,臭骂 adj. 漫骂的,恶言的
  • imperativen. 命令,诫命,需要,祈使语气 adj. 命令式的,急
  • iren. 忿怒 vt. 使发怒
  • immaculateadj. 洁白的,无缺点的,无瑕疵的
  • harshadj. 粗糙的,使人不舒服的,刺耳的,严厉的,大约的
  • itineraryn. 旅程,旅行指南,游记 adj. 巡回的,游历的,旅
  • hampern. 大篮子 vt. 阻止,妨碍