46 They are not only making it possible to collect information that at one time went largely unrecorded, but they are also making it relatively easy to store, analyse and retrieve information in ways which, until quite recently, were impossible.
典型句式:not only A, but also B
句子主干:They are not only making it possible to collect information, but they are also making it easy to store, analyse and retrieve information.
47 The fact remains, if particular systems can be used to monitor a computer or an individual’s movements without the knowledge of the computer user or the person concerned, then it is very likely that such systems will be used for purposes other than their intended purpose.
典型句式:if A, then B 条件句暗含因果关系
句子主干: it is likely that such systems will be used for purposes.
48 To fight ourselves for what we are daily robbing and plundering from those who have as good a right to freedom as we have.
典型句式: 介词宾语从句
句子主干:to fight ourselves for something.
49. Predation on a dominant or potentially dominant species occurs in systems that do as well as in systems that do not have species that play keystone roles.
典型句式: 比较结构/ 省略
句子主干:Predation occurs.
50. Acting on the recommendation of a British government committee investigating the high incidence in white lead factories of illness among employees, most of whom were women, the Home Secretary proposed in 1895 that Parliament enact legislation that would prohibit women from holding most jobs in white lead factories.
句子主干:H S proposed that Parliament enact legislation.
翻译:接受英国政府委员会的建议,该委员会调查了白铅工厂雇员(主要是女工)疾病的高发率问题,H S 在1895年提议国会通过禁止妇女从事白铅工厂绝大部分工作的立法。
51. A person who agrees to serve as mediator between two warring factions at the request of both abandons by so agreeing the right to take sides later.
句子主干:A person abandons the right.
52. The argument attempts to establish that certain circumstances that would have had to occur for a particular explanation to be correct could not have occurred.
句子主干:The argument attempts to establish that certain circumstances could not have occurred.