Verbal Reasoning
1. 经典的机经三空题,本次考试完美再现:
As the study of the foundation of western Shanghai reveals, there was, a sense of elegance in the refined, simple lines that characterized the entire row, bereft of the exuberant, emphatic, assertive, ornament that constituted the latest British architectural fashion, which expressed its detestation of Palladianism and neoclassicism - London's Regent Street then being regarded as abhorrent - calling it the product of a ------ "shopocracy". The ------ of Western architectural taste - oscillating between simplicity and ornamental ------ - must have bemused Chinese observers who had long accepted that both approaches were valid and could co-exist.
A quintessential B disdained C superficial D eternality E subtlety F impermanence G modesty H exuberance I profundity
2. 老题改编:以前老G时代的双空题,本次考试意外粗线,下面是老题。
Though extremely _____ about his own plans, the man allowed his associates no such privacy and was constantly ____ information about what they intended to do next.
A idiosyncratic……altering
B guarded……eschewing
C candid……uncovering
D reticent……soliciting
E fastidious……ruining
解析:此题考法为代词型同义重复,第一空对应着后面的such privacy取同,第二空跟no such privacy取同,答案选D;reticent表示沉默的,solicit这里表恳求。
Unenlightened authoritarian managers rarely recognize a crucial reason for the low levels of serious conflict among members of democratically run work groups: a modicum of tolerance for dissent often prevents ___.
A demur
B schism
C cooperation
D compliance
E shortsightedness
3. 稍有变化的老题改编:我先给出老题,在给出新题。
[1]. The children's ___ natures were in sharp contrast to the even-tempered dispositions of their parents.
A mercurial
B blithe
C phlegmatic
D introverted
E artless
这是一道GRE的老题,答案选A mercurial,与后面的even-tempered取反,不认识的可以自己查字典。
[2]. 上面说的是原来的老题,当然本次考试是做了点变形,答案没有mercurial,应该选的是choleric (易怒的,暴躁的)。下面附上他们的英文解释:
even-tempered: not quickly angered or excited; placid; calm.
choleric: easily angered; bad-tempered.
最后关于choleric这个词也要稍微说下,这个词来源于古希腊的体液学说,相关的还有另外三个词sanguine, melancholy, phlegmatic.其实都挺重要的,可以查一下看看意思。
PART II 逻辑阅读
1. 逻辑
2. 阅读
1. 高频机经red maple再次现身,red maple这个阅读题在3月9号考过,这次又考到了。
[1]. 提出旧理论,提出解释1反驳旧理论:美国东部的red maple越来越多?,一种观点认为这个和全球二氧化碳的增多全球变暖有关,然后红枫树对这个很敏感,?美的红枫的光合作用加强?,数量增多?(Some scientists think the increased atmospheric carbon dioxide help with photosynthesis of Maple Tree.)。However, this didn't cause the number of other trees in the same area to increase。说oak也对这个敏感,但却没有这种情况(But, the photosynthesis ability of Maple tree may not necessarily be better than oak trees.),所以这种解释?成?。
[2]. 提出解释2反驳旧理论:another explanations contains很多方面,比如下面:
(1) The increase of red maple trees might be due to the suppressed fire rate in the recent years,因为红枫比起其他树木,对fire?敏感,要使红枫在火烧后能迅速恢复,火的控制对red maple的数量多当然有很大贡献。
(2) its unique capability to grow in both young and old forests, etc.
(3) The deer eat the foliage of oak trees in the summer and eat something from the maple tree in the winter (this is bad). However it is less harmful in the winter than in the summer for the trees.(deer要吃oak的seeds,特别在夏天,这时是oak发展最快的顶点,但是?吃红枫的seeds,只在冬天吃红枫的twig。red maple叶子分泌一个物质,deer?喜欢吃,所以red maple数量大,还有red maple产种子多)
1) 题目:文中提到"没有使同一地区的其他树木增加"这?话的作用是什么?
2) 题目:与红枫树共同生长的树木?能怎么样?
答案:They cannot lavish in both young and mature forests.(原文:red maples have the unique 怎么怎么lavish in both young and mature forest.)
3) 题目:哪个是红枫树的特点?
答案:只有它能在young和 mature age都生长。
4) 题目:关于它的表述哪个是错误的
5) 题目:What is the purpose of mentioning other reasons other than carbon dioxide increase?
答案:To downplay the importance of carbon dioxide in the increase in red maple trees.
2. [短阅读] 有个人的文学作品?太好归类,起初她在欧洲,受到欧洲surrealism的影响,后来搬到Mexico,还是继续surrealism。再后来的一部分作品就realism(写实主义)?,还同时有feminist的特征。注:我查出来此人应该是Leonora Carrington。剩下你们懂的,翻Wiki刨背景。
3. 美国两种松鼠,红松鼠的数量上升,原因有两个:一个是森林破坏;一个是灰松鼠的数量下降。还说红松鼠储存的果子比较集中;灰的就分散(有题)。一种帮助松树散播果实的松鼠效?比另外一种松鼠要高,但这种松鼠比另外一种?容?灭绝。
4. 这个文章发表在2002?,自从70?代板块理论(Plate tectonics)兴起后,某人 suggest?一个理论来解释为什么诸如太平洋火山带这类的time progressive火山坑的形成,是因为mantle mobility,下地幔的能?喷射出?的时候,穿透?脆弱的上地幔,然后地表好像是板块在?动的,接著就随著时间的推移,在地上打?一个个相对位置relative确定的火山坑 plume。然后作者举?反例反驳?这个观点,加重:if ..... is immobility,那么就?成?。最后说最近有个研究并没发现动。
5. [长阅读] 美国社会学家对内战South Unionists研究的变化。
1. 提出旧理论:起初他们认为在内战后南方对内战得看法是一致的所以没注意到美国南部有这么一批支持United States的人存在(little attention paid to those southern heroes),所以?对他们研究。
2. 提出旧理论的缺失及新理论:后?一批新的历史学家发现有dissent,觉得他们动机?纯。
3. 新理论的缺失:说那些新的历史学家只研究?某个方面,所以内容也有问题。然后利用他们研究南方的政治观念和失败原因,最后终于转化成为对于他们生活状况的关注。
1) 题目:文章结构?
答案:evolution of a particular area of history analysis
2) 题目:第二段最后一?的作用?
阅读关键字:unionist 联邦主义者
