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日期:2013-03-22 16:01



  练习 49

  1、 A recent survey shows that, while ninety-four percent of companies conducting management-training programs open

  them to women, women are _________ only seventy-four percent of those programs.

  (A) protesting against

  (B) participating in

  (C) displeased by

  (D) allowed in

  (E) refused by

  分析:空格填一个动词+介词的结构,表示"女性(women)"对"这些项目的 74%(seventy-four percent ofthose programs)"的行为或状态。While 表示让步转折,空格填上后表达和"公司开放培训项目比例高"的效果相反的含义。空格应该填入正动作。A 抗议;B 参与;C 冒犯;D 允许;E 拒绝。B 选项正确。

  翻译:近来的调查显示,尽管 94%的公司向女性开放了培训项目,但是女性只参加了其中的 74%。


  2、 This poetry is not ________ ; it is more likely to appeal to an international audience than is poetry with strictly

  regional themes.

  (A) familiar

  (B) democratic

  (C) technical

  (D) complex

  (E) provincial

  分析:空格填入一个形容词,修饰"这首诗(This poetry)",分号表示前后复指,not 表示否定,it 指"thispoetry",所以空格体现"严格区域化(strictly regional)"的含义。A 熟悉的;B 民主的;C 技术的;D 复杂的;E 省的,狭隘的。E 选项正确。


  扩展:关于国际化和区域化的话题,是 GRE 常考的话题之一。我们可以扩展关于国际化和区域化对企业、社会、文化等的影响。

  3、 Although the architect's concept at first sounded too _____ to be ____ , his careful analysis of every aspect of the

  project convinced the panel that the proposed building was indeed, structurally feasible.

  (A) mundane...attractive

  (B) eclectic...appealing

  (C) grandiose...affordable

  (D) innovative...ignored

  (E) visionary...practicable

  分析:两个空格都填形容词,表示对"这个建筑的概念(the architect's concept)"的修饰,并且 too…to…表示两个空格应该是方向相反的词。Although 表达让步转折,空格 2 应该体现"结构上可行(structurally feasible)"的反义词,而空格 1 填负评价词。A 庸俗的,单调的""吸引人的;B 兼容并蓄的,博采众长的""吸引人的;C 宏大的,宏伟的""买得起的;D 创新性的""被忽略的;E 空想的,虚幻的""行得通的,切实可行的。E 选项正确。



  4、 Dramatic literature often _________ the history of a culture in that it takes as its subject matter the important events

  that have shaped and guided the culture.

  (A) confounds

  (B) repudiates

  (C) recapitulates

  (D) anticipates

  (E) polarizes

  分析:空格填入一个动词,表示"戏剧文学(Dramatic literature)"对"文化史(the history of a culture)"做的动作。in that 表达因果关系,空格要体现"塑造和引导(shaped and guided)"的含义。A 混淆,使困惑;B 否定,抛弃;C 扼要概述,总结;D 期望;E 极化。C 选项正确。



  5、 It was her view that the country's problems had been________ by foreign technocrats, so that to invite them to come

  back would be counterproductive.

  (A) foreseen

  (B) attacked

  (C) ascertained

  (D) exacerbated

  (E) analyzed

  分析:空格填入一个动词,表示"外国技术专家(foreign technocrats)"对"这个国家的问题(the country'sproblems)"所做的动作。so that 表达因果关系,them 指代 foreign technocrats,后面对他们是负评价,所以空格也要填入一个负动作。A 预见;B 攻击;C 确定,探明;D 恶化;E 分析。D 选项正确。



  6、 Unlike the easily studied neutral and ionized ________ that compose the primary disk of the Milky Way itself, the

  components of the _________ surrounding our galaxy have proved more resistant to study.

  (A) figments...envelope

  (B) essences...fluctuations

  (C) elements...problems

  (D) calculations...perimeter

  (E) materials...region

  分析:空格 1 填入一个名词,根据解释模式,要体现"银河系主要组成部分(that compose the primary disk ofthe Milky Way itself)"的含义。Unlike 表达对比关系,但是前后的"容易研究的(easily studied)"和"更难研究的(more resistant to study)"已经体现了对比关系,所以空格 2 应该体现和空格 1 同义的关系。A 虚构的事物""信封;B 本质,精华""波动;C 元素""问题;D 计算,考虑""周长;E 材料,物质""区域。只有 E 选项符合判断。



  7、 Their _______ was expressed in quotidian behavior: they worshipped regularly, ______ all the regenerative

  processes of nature respect, and even awe.

  (A) selflessness...reserving to

  (B) moderation...extending to

  (C) reverence...exacting from

  (D) piety...according to

  (E) serenity...refusing to

  分析:空格 1 填入名词,表示"他们的(their)"状态,冒号构成解释模式,所以空格 1 要体现"定期做礼拜(worshipped regularly)"的含义。空格 2 填入一个分词短语,表示对"做礼拜(worshipped)"的修饰,根据单空格模式,worship 和 respect 以及 awe 是同义词,所以空格 2 填正动作或正评价。A 无私""保留;B 缓和、减轻""扩展;C 尊敬,敬畏""强制给,逼迫;D 虔诚,孝敬""按照,根据;E 平静""拒绝。D 选项为正确答案。



  • affordableadj. 支付得起的,不太昂贵的
  • galaxyn. 银河,一群显赫之人
  • convincedadj. 信服的
  • perimetern. 周长,周界,边缘
  • quotidianadj. 每日的,平凡的 n. 司空见惯的事,[医]日发
  • architectn. 建筑师
  • composevt. 组成,写作,作曲,使镇静 vi. 创作
  • attractiveadj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的
  • worshipn. 崇拜,爱慕,做礼拜 vi. 做礼拜 vt. 崇拜,
  • mundaneadj. 平凡的,世俗的,宇宙的