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日期:2013-01-30 17:35



  例13. (Revised GRE Practice Book Section 4 Q8) (ADH)

  But they pay little attention to the opposite and more treacherous failing: false certainty, refusing to confess their mistakes and implicitly claiming (i) ______, thereby embarrassing the nation and undermining the Constitution, which established various mechanisms of self-correction on the premise that even the wisest men are sometimes wrong and need, precisely when they find it most (ii) ______, the benefit of (iii) ______ process.

  BLANK (i) BLANK (ii) BLANK (iii)

  (A) infallibility (D) discomfiting (G) an adaptable

  (B) immunity (E) expedient (H) a remedial

  (C) impartiality (F) imminent (I) an injudicious

  (一) 选取第一空所在部分:

  But they pay little attention to the opposite and more treacherous failing: false certainty, refusing to confess their mistakes and implicitly claiming (i) ______ …

  冒号表示解释说明,前后两个分句意思一致;前半句说这些人“pay little attention to failing”,则后半句中也应该说这些人对于错误不管不顾,而后半句中说这些人refusing to confess their mistakes,同时用and连接表并列关系,后半部分与“refusing to confess their mistakes”意思也一致,因而后半部分,即blank(i)所在部分也是“不承认错误”的意思。


  [1]. infallibility:(无误的)incapable of error in defining doctrines touching faith or morals

  [2]. immunity:(免疫力)the quality or state of being immune

  [3]. impartiality:(公正的)not partial or biased : treating or affecting all equally

  (二) 选取第三空所在部分:

  … the Constitution, which established various mechanisms of self-correction on the premise that even the wisest menare sometimes wrong and need the benefit of (iii) ______ process.


  … the Constitution established various mechanisms of self-correction on the premise that even the wisest men need the benefit of (iii) ______ process.

  On the premise that可以视为“because”,整个一句话就变成一个因果关系的句子,前后两个分句意思一致,又没有任何否定词,故对应词语之间是同义关系。整句话就变为“宪法建立自我救赎的机制是因为人们需要_______机制”,故blank(iii)应该填入的就是“拯救、救赎”之意。


  [1]. adaptable:(可适应的)capable of being adapted : SUITABLE

  [2]. remedial:(挽救性的)intended as a remedy

  [3]. injudicious:(不明智的)not judicious : INDISCREET, UNWISE

  (三) 选取第二空所在部分:

  …the Constitution, which established various mechanisms ofself-correction on the premise that even the wisest men are sometimes wrong and need, precisely when they find it most (ii) ______ …




  [1]. discomfiting:(尴尬的)to put into a state of perplexity and embarrassment : DISCONCERT

  [2]. expedient:(权宜的)characterized by concern with what is opportune; especially : governed by self-interest

  [3]. imminent:(迫近的)ready to take place; especially : hanging threateningly over one's head

  (四) 理解句意,看是否逻辑与语义契合:



  • impartialityn. 公正,公平;不偏不倚
  • capableadj. 有能力的,足以胜任的,有 ... 倾向的
  • treacherousadj. 背信弃义的,叛逆的,不可靠的,危险的
  • moralsn. 道德
  • opportuneadj. 合适的,适当的
  • judiciousadj. 明智的,贤明的,审慎的
  • establishedadj. 已被确认的,确定的,建立的,制定的 动词est
  • adaptableadj. 能适应的,适应性强的,可改编的
  • unwiseadj. 不聪明的,愚笨的
  • incapableadj. 无能力的,不胜任的