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日期:2013-01-24 09:22



  GRE verbal preparation

  Vocabulary Games: English Noun Adjective VerbTest # GRE/W7

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  n. excessive interest in one's self; belief that one should be interested in one's self rather than in others

  • explosionn. 爆炸,爆发,激增
  • anchorn. 锚,锚状物,依靠,新闻节目主播,压阵队员 v. 停
  • distortionn. 扭曲,变形,曲解
  • excessiveadj. 过多的,过分的
  • candorn. 坦白;直率
  • allusionn. 暗指,暗示
  • affectedadj. 受影响的,受感动的,受疾病侵袭的 adj. 做
  • ordealn. 严酷的考验,痛苦的经验,神裁法
  • sedativeadj. 使安静的,使镇静的 n. 镇静剂,能使安静的东
  • penchantn. 喜好(倾向)