以下是一位香港的一战考生参加完2012年12月15日的新GRE考试之后总结的新GRE机经回忆,V:161 Q:168。希望大家看完后能够受到一些启发,认真备考,获得理想的成绩。
"College students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that interest them rather than seek programs that promise entry into the job market."
In each city in the region of Treehaven, the majority of the money spent on government-run public school education comes from taxes that each city government collects. The region's cities differ, however, in the value they place on public education. For example, Parson City typically budgets twice as much money per year as Blue City does for its public schools—even though both cities have about the same number of residents. It seems clear, therefore, that Parson City residents care more about public school education than do Blue City residents.
Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.
填空由于记性不好考完就忘了 T T 除了道三空考到了没见过的短语(sit it out? etc.) 其他选项基本都是红宝里出现过的
阅读有shrimp's seasonal reproduction 和 blues music 以及女性的经验视角(personal exoerience)的文学评论的长阅读 ,其它想不起来了
Section1最后一题:Taking balls from a packets (without replacement),the probability of that the first ball is red is 5/8, if the first ball is not red, the probability that the second ball is red is 2/3, what is the probability that both the first and the second balls are red?
V:161 Q:168