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日期:2012-12-17 08:45


  The argument is well presented and appears to be relatively sound at the first glance,the author concludes that__________. However, a close scrutiny about the argument will reveal that several specific evidences should be added in order to make the argument to be more cogent and convincing, for example:_________ 

  Initially, the author must give evidence that_________. If we were to learn that _______, it would obviously weaken the conclusion. It may turn out to be that_____. To make his assurance eloquent, he must provide more specific evidences to consummate his argument.

  Secondly, in order to______, we should also be informed that_______. In the argument, the author only said that__________. It may undermine the argument that if-_______. Without knowing_______, we can hardly accept the conclusion that______

  Third, the author should eliminate the disturbance of other factors, for example, he should provide evidences that _______. Perhaps_____ or perhaps________. Either of these scenarios, if true, would cast serious doubt on the author’s claim. Without accounting for all other explanations, the arguer can't reasonably conclude that___________; U% z$ w' U$ r. f" x1 z" e; Q+ s

  To sum up, the argument is far from powerful enough to substantiate that______________ Before any final decisions are made about_____________, much more specific evidences are to be put forward to make the author's argument more forceful and cogent.



  The reason why students choose Buckingham College.

  Perhaps it has qualified teachers.

  Perhaps tuition fee is lower than colleges at the same level.



  关于ISSUE,方法也差不多,主要的问题就是写提纲一定要仔细,把你对这个问题的观点,和引用的例子都写出来,不要想着自己能套一些Roosevelt, King什么的,想想就可以了,没有那么多例子让你套,还是要老老实实准备提纲。我写过一套完整的issue和argument的提纲,写的时候例子也放在提纲里,ISSUE跟A也一样,写完一遍提纲,自己重新看,到最后就是训练自己看到一个题,在2分钟以内迅速组织出一个比较详细的提纲。这样ISSUE的准备也就差不多了。




  • castv. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目
  • convincingadj. 使人信服的,有力的,令人心悦诚服的 vbl.
  • conclusionn. 结论
  • consummatevt. 成就,使达到极点,(初次洞房)成婚,圆房 adj
  • evidencen. 根据,证据 v. 证实,证明
  • eloquentadj. 雄辩的,有口才的,动人的
  • issuen. 发行物,期刊号,争论点 vi. & vt 发行,流
  • scrutinyn. 周密的调查,细看,监视
  • eliminatev. 除去,剔除; 忽略
  • glancev. 一瞥,扫视,匆匆一看,反光,闪烁,掠过 n. 一瞥