11.25 北京 GRE 机经
Claim: Imaginationis a more valuable asset than experience.
Reason: People wholack experience are free to imagine what is possible without the constraints ofestablished habits and attitudes.
The following is a letter to theeditor of the Waymarsh Times.
"Traffic here in Waymarsh isbecoming a problem. Although just three years ago a state traffic survey showedthat the typical driving commuter took 20 minutes to get to work, the commutenow takes closer to 40 minutes, according to the survey just completed. Membersof the town council already have suggested more road building to address theproblem, but as well as being expensive, the new construction will surelydisrupt some of our residential neighborhoods. It would be better to follow theexample of the nearby city of Garville. Last year Garville implemented a policythat rewards people who share rides to work, giving them coupons for free gas.Pollution levels in Garville have dropped since the policy was implemented, andpeople from Garville tell me that commuting times have fallen considerably.There is no reason why a policy like Garville's shouldn't work equally well inWaymarsh."
Write a response in which you discusswhat specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how theevidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.