日期:2023-12-04 11:15



So what can we do? Well, the good news is we have managed to coordinate to escape some of Moloch's traps before.


We managed to save the ozone layer from CFCs with the help of the Montreal Protocol.


We managed to reduce the number of nuclear weapons on Earth by 80 percent, with the help of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty in 1991.

通过 1991 年的《削减和限制进攻性战略武器条约》我们将地球上的核武器数量减少了 80%。

So smart regulation may certainly help with AI too, but ultimately, it's the players within the game who have the most influence on it.

明智的监管措施当然也可能会对 AI 有所帮助,但归根结底,对 AI 影响最大的是游戏中的玩家。

So we need AI leaders to show us that they're not only aware of the risks their technologies pose, but also the destructive nature of the incentives that they're currently beholden to.

因此,我们需要AI 领袖向我们表明他们不仅意识到了其技术构成的风险,还有他们目前所面临的激励措施的破坏性。

As their technological capabilities reach towards the power of gods, they're going to need the godlike wisdom to know how to wield them.


So it doesn't fill me with encouragement when I see a CEO of a very major company saying something like, "I want people to know we made our competitor dance."

因此,当我看到一家大型公司的 CEO 说“我想让人们知道对手对我们言听计从”之类的话时,我并不觉得信心倍增。

That is not the type of mindset we need here.


We need leaders who are willing to flip Moloch's playbook, who are willing to sacrifice their own individual chance of winning for the good of the whole.


Now, fortunately, the three leading labs are showing some signs of doing this.


Anthropic recently announced their responsible scaling policy, which pledges to only increase capabilities once certain security criteria have been met.

Anthropic 最近宣布了负责任的扩展政策,该政策承诺只有在满足特定安全标准后才会提升性能。

OpenAI have recently pledged to dedicate 20 percent of their compute purely to alignment research.

OpenAI 最近承诺将其 20% 的算力完全用于“对齐”研究。

And DeepMind have shown a decade-long focus of science ahead of commerce, like their development of AlphaFold, which they gave away to the science community for free.

DeepMind 已经在过去十年中表现出对科学的关注优先于商业,例如他们开发的 AlphaFold,将其免费赠与科学界。

These are all steps in the right direction, but they are still nowhere close to being enough.


I mean, most of these are currently just words, they're not even proven actions.


So we need a clear way to turn the AI race into a definitive race to the top.

我们需要一种明确的方法将 AI 竞赛转变为明确向上的竞争。

Perhaps companies can start competing over who can be within these metrics, over who can develop the best security criteria.


A race of who can dedicate the most compute to alignment.


Now that would truly flip the middle finger to Moloch.


Competition can be an amazing tool, provided we wield it wisely.


And we're going to need to do that because the stakes we are playing for are astronomical.


If we get AI, and especially AGI, wrong, it could lead to unimaginable catastrophe.

如果我们让 AI,尤其是 AGI,跑偏了,可能会导致难以想象的灾难。

But if we get it right, it could be our path out of many of these Moloch traps that I've mentioned today.


And as things get crazier over the coming years, which they're probably going to, it's going to be more important than ever that we remember that it is the real enemy here, Moloch.


Not any individual CEO or company, and certainly not one another.

不是哪个 CEO,哪家公司,当然也不是彼此。

So don't hate the players, change the game.

