日期:2023-06-28 11:15



It still has a tale to tell, and audiences are still learning its lessons.


Next up is the "Tricky" category, which in my opinion is the most flexible part of the framework.


It's up to us as artists to take these pieces and elevate them in a responsible manner for a modern retelling.


Take "Oklahoma!" and "South Pacific."


Both of these shows had landmark revivals in the last 15 years that upended the way the current generation views them, without changing a single word that Oscar Hammerstein II wrote.

它们在过去 15 年里都有里程碑式的重演,颠覆了当代观众的看法,而且没有修改任何一点奥斯卡·哈默斯坦二世写的原作。

This is the material that has the strength for a modern retelling, provided we lift it off the page in a responsible manner.


The third category is "Troublesome."


Now “Troublesome” are shows that still resonate with modern audiences, but we may squirm a little bit in our seat if we look too close.


"The King and I" is a perfect example of a show with many worthwhile messages: the importance of being a lifelong learner, seeing your fellow man as your equal, working together toward a common goal, while also having aspects that would not be well received if it was first presented today.


The white saviorism embedded in the initial source text, the treatment of East Asia, the way the Siamese women are underwritten and so on.


Category four, "Augmented," is when a show's troubles begin to outweigh its triumphs.


Consider "Flower Drum Song."


"Flower Drum Song" was written from a place of deep, abiding love and respect for the Asian American community.


But at the end of the day, Oscar was writing from the perspective of a community that he could never truly be a part of.


In 2002, David Henry Hwang, an Asian American playwright, was brought in to dramatically revise the piece, using songs that have become a part of the American zeitgeist as the soundtrack for far more honest representation.

2002 年,亚裔美国剧作家黄哲伦受邀大幅修改这部作品,使用已经成为美国文化的代表性歌曲作为配乐以实现更加真实的呈现。

The final category, "Archived," is perhaps the most controversial.


Some people confuse this category with bad and they are not at all synonymous.


Just because a show is archived does not mean it was never useful.


In fact, typically they were extremely useful in their day.


Consider 1927's "Show Boat."

以 1927 年的《演出船》为例。

"Show Boat" is inarguably one of the most important musicals in the history of the American theatrical canon.


It changed the kind of conversations we could have onstage and revolutionized what a musical could look like.


It also has ceased to create productive discussion with modern audiences.


Now the book has been rewritten ad nauseum as we continue to pull "Show Boat" into the modern era.


But in my opinion, it now holds more value as an example of where we have been than an example of where we are going.


Now you may disagree with me on any of these placements.


These six shows could exist in any number of categorical permutations.


What's important is that we have these discussions and we have the language to communicate in those discussions.


We have to have these conversations because they are the only way that we will grow.


We have to make conscious decisions about what art does and does not serve us as a community and what does and does not serve us going forward.


Thank you for listening to me today.


I hope that we all have these difficult conversations with grace and consideration.

