日期:2023-05-18 10:00



Question: What might Friday talk to the gun?

Intensive Reading

Two days later, I shot a young goat. Friday was scared of the gun. He didn’t understand how such a small thing could kill a goat. He didn’t want to touch the gun.


Later I saw how he talked to the gun. He probably asked the gun not to kill him. We took the goat. We made a nice soup. Before the soup was finished, Friday went to the forest and he brought some herbs. He put the herbs into the soup. The herbs were similar to pepper. The soup smelled fantastic and it tasted fantastic too.


We cooked some of the goat meat the next day with sauce. Again, Friday brought some herbs and also plants. The herbs made the sauce taste great. They made a big difference. And we made a nice salad from the plants.


I taught Friday how to prepare corn and bake bread. He could do it as well as me a few days later.


Then we started expanding my garden to have more corn. In all activities, Friday helped me a lot. He was also very good at catching fish. Our cooperation was simply great. We were a good team.



1. Herb: (调味或药用的) 香草

2. Fantastic: 极好的,相当于great,brilliant;它还有“异想天开的,奇异的”意思。

3. make a difference: 带来改变,创造不同,指产生了重要影响。

4. cooperation: 合作,“与某人合作”即cooperation with sb.,“A和B之间的合作”即cooperation between A and B。


Why did Friday go the forest before the soup was finished?
