日期:2023-02-08 10:00



Question: What did Robinson put on the raft?

Intensive Reading

I had to carry the food, rum and the dog to the beach. But I didn’t have a small boat on the ship. I had to make a raft. I found some wood. I made a raft from the wood.


I also needed some clothes. I started to look for the clothes. I found some.


When I looked for clothes, I found a box with some tools. I found a nice carpet next to the box. I also found four guns and dry gunpowder. I put everything on my raft. The sea was calm. The wind went to the land. This was all good.


Soon I was on the beach. I started to look for a place where I could stay.


I saw a hill. I thought that from the hill I could see where I was. I took a gun and I started to walk to the hill. I got to the top. I saw sea around the whole place. I was on an island.


I saw two small islands near. One was to the north. One was to the west. I also saw a big land to the south. It was about 100 kilometres far. I saw nothing to the east. I saw only the ocean.


I didn’t see any sign of people on the island. I saw only wild animals.



1. raft: 木筏,竹筏,橡皮艇。

2. make ... from: 制造,用……制作,被动语态be made from,某物是由……制成的。

3. gunpowder: 火药。

4. to the north: 在北边,指的是在这座小岛北边的另一座小岛,如果用in the north则指的是这座小岛上北边的一个地方。


What did Robinson do after he returned to the island?
