中国出境游持续升温 为全球旅游业复苏注入“强心剂”
日期:2023-01-18 10:28



The chief executive officer (CEO) of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) is bullish about the sector's recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and expects exponential growth over the next decade mainly thanks to a boost from Chinese outbound travelers and foreign visitors to China. "I have been there (China) many times ... and it's wonderful that the world would be able to open its arms and welcome Chinese visitors again," said Julia Simpson, president and CEO of the WTTC.


1.World Travel and Tourism Council(WTTC) 世界旅游及旅行理事会

2.exponential growth 指数型增长

3.outbound travelers 出境游客 (outbound adj. 向外的;出港的 outbound travel 出境游)

In early December 2022, China decided to optimize its COVID-19 response with new prevention and control measures to ease the restrictions on travel and visits to public venues. Then, on January 8, the Civil Aviation Administration of China relaxed certain COVID-19 restrictions on international passenger flights.


4.optimize its COVID-19 response with new prevention and control measures 优化新冠肺炎疫情防控措施

5.ease the restrictions on travel and visits to public venues 放宽出行和公共场所限制

6.the Civil Aviation Administration of China 中国民用航空局


7.revenge travel 报复性旅游

例句:Simpson said that after nearly three years, the phenomenon of "revenge travel," which means traveling to make up for lost time during the pandemic, is expected to lift tourism and boost businesses.


8.pent-up demand 潜在的需求;被抑制的需求

例句:What we tend to see when people reopen their borders post-pandemic is that you have a lot of pent-up demand for travel. The first such demand comes from family and friends ... such as students working in another part of the world.

