日期:2022-12-15 17:20


Chapter 6. The money and the ticket
第6章 奖金和彩票

Jason did not sleep on Wednesday night. On Thursday morning he got up very early, and made some tea.
'What am I going to do?' he thought. 'They're going to send me to prison because I stole that old woman's bag.
But I'm going to say sorry, sorry to the court, sorry to the old woman, sorry to everybody.
Then perhaps I can get out of prison after, what did my lawyer say? only eighteen months.
OK. So I go to prison... but I don't want to lose that five million pounds! I want the court to believe it was my ticket.'
He drank his tea, and remembered his meeting with Sally Cash.
They're not going to like you, Jason. They're going to think, 'This is a nasty young man.'
'OK,' Jason thought. 'I'm going to do something nice. What can I do? Yes, I know! Give some of the money away!
I can give it to that charity, "Help the children". They send doctors and nurses to Africa and India.
I saw them on television last Christmas. They always need money. Wonderful! People can't say I'm nasty after that!'


'Help the Children' had a charity shop in the middle of the town, and at nine o'clock Jason was outside the door. There were two women in the shop.
'Good morning,' said the older woman. 'Can we help you? Are you looking for some cheap clothes?'
'No,' said Jason. 'I want to give you some money.'
'That's nice of you,' said the younger woman.
'Yes,' Jason said. 'I want to give five hundred thousand pounds to "Help the Children".'
'Five hundred pounds?' said the older woman. 'That's wonderful!'
'No, no,' said Jason. 'Not five hundred pounds. Five hundred thousand pounds!'
The younger woman looked at him. 'Have you got five hundred thousand pounds?'
'Of course I have!' said Jason. 'Well, I haven't got the money now. It's at the court. But I want you to have it.'
The older woman looked at the younger woman, and then at Jason. 'You haven't got any money. Go away.'
'Yes, I have! I won the lottery!' said Jason. 'OK. Listen. Let's say a million pounds. How about that? One million pounds for "Help the Children"!'
The younger woman opened the door, and the older woman said, 'Go away! We don't want you here.'
