They've got razor-sharp teeth, armor-like scales and can grow over 3 m (10 ft) long.
它们有着锋利的牙齿,像盔甲一样的鳞片,可以长到3米(10英尺)长 。
This monstrous fish looks like it could star in a creature feature. Honestly, it's hard to believe it hasn't.
这条巨大的鱼,看起来会是生物特写中的明星 。但说实话,很难相信并非如此 。
Meet the monstrous alligator gar.
让我们一起来认识一下巨大的鳄雀鳝吧 。
This torpedo-shaped leviathan is one of North America's largest freshwater fish.
这种身躯如同鱼雷的庞然大物,是北美最大的淡水鱼之一 。
Just take one look at its long, snapping mouth filled with jagged teeth.
只要看看它那全是锯齿状牙齿、又长又极具咬合力的嘴 。
It's easy to see why this fish has alligator in its name, although it's not a reptile.
就很容易理解为什么这种鱼的名字里有“鳄”这个字了,尽管它不是爬行动物 。
But regardless of their fearsome appearance, these ancient fish may be one of the most interesting and craziest creatures out there.
但撇开它们可怕的外表不谈,这种古老的鱼类可能是最有趣、最疯狂的生物了 。
These river monsters can weigh over 159 kg (350 lb). That's about the weight of a refrigerator.
这些河中怪鱼的体重可以超过159公斤(350磅) 。这大约是一台冰箱的重量 。
The alligator gar is one of seven types of gar.
鳄雀鳝是七种雀鳝中的一种 。
They're characterized by their snout length, the number of rows of teeth, and the amount and location of spots that decorate their scales when they are young.
它们鼻子的长度、牙齿的排数,以及幼时鳞片上装饰斑点的数量和位置,都极具特色 。
The alligator gar has a longer, wider snout with two rows of razor-sharp teeth in its upper jaw. The inner row of teeth is longer than the outer row.
鳄雀鳝的鼻子又长又宽,上颚有两排锋利的牙齿 。内齿比外齿长 。
Another unique attribute is this fish's ability to breathe out of water. A duct connects its swim bladder to its gut.
另一个独特的点是这种鱼可以离开水面呼吸 。它的鱼鳔和胃是通过一根导管连接起来的 。
So this fish can suck air from the surface and thrive in water that is low in oxygen.
所以这种鱼可以在水面上吸入空气,在低氧的水中茁壮成长 。
The gar family of fish lives throughout North and Central America and Cuba.
雀鳝种族主要生活在中北美洲和古巴 。
Alligator gar are usually seen throughout the lower Mississippi River Valley, which borders Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas.
其中,鳄雀鳝在密西西比河下游地区较为常见,该地区与俄克拉荷马州、阿肯色州和得克萨斯州接壤 。
Typically thriving in brackish waters, they are known for their diverse diets.
通常在淡盐水中茁壮成长的鳄雀鳝,以其多样化的饮食而闻名 。
They usually feed on blue crabs and catfish, but they also eat waterfowl, turtles and carrion.
通常以蓝蟹和鲶鱼为食,但也吃水禽、乌龟和腐肉 。
Much to the dismay of duck hunters, alligator gar will often swoop on injured waterfowl before the hunters can collect them.
令猎鸭者很不爽的是,在他们捉到受伤的水禽之前,鳄雀鳝经常会抢先一步扑向它们 。
While much of the alligator gar's evolutionary history remains a mystery,
fossil records trace this monstrous creature's origins back over 100 million years ago, during the Early Cretaceous period.
但化石记录显示,这种怪鱼的起源可以追溯到1亿多年前的白垩纪早期 。
These fish existed during the time of the dinosaurs, when monstrous creatures reigned supreme.
它们所生存的恐龙时代,可是由巨型生物来统治的 。
Ancestors of the alligator gar have been found in fossil deposits from 215 million years ago.
人们曾发现了2.15亿年前的鳄雀鳝祖先的化石 。
Despite being a living relic of natural history and a source of food and material for early American settlers, they were considered a trash fish and culled.
尽管鳄雀鳝是自然历史的活化石,是早期美国殖民者的食物和材料来源,但它们都会被认为是一种废鱼,并遭到捕杀 。
They often eat what hunters and anglers perceive as higher-quality fish.
那些被狩猎者和垂钓者认为的质量更好的鱼,通常会被鳄雀鳝吃掉 。
And they were believed to destroy fishing nets with their razor-sharp teeth and massive size.
它们也会用锋利的牙齿和巨大的体型来毁掉渔网 。
Humans used to eat alligator gar meat. But their eggs are poisonous when eaten by animals or people.
人类过去常常食用鳄雀鳝的肉 。但是动物或人类一旦食用了它们的鱼卵,就会中毒 。
So if you ever come across some alligator gar caviar, just stick with sturgeon roe instead.
所以如果你遇到了鳄雀鳝鱼子酱,那还是用鲟鱼籽来代替吧 。