123 “你们先走,等会儿追你们”的口语表达
日期:2022-07-08 16:50


“你(们)先走,我待会儿追上你(们)”要如何用英文去说呢?我们可以使用——I will catch up with you.

情景会话1 我与朋友Sophie走在路上,偶遇了Chris。

Zoey: Hey! Chris! What's up? (嘿!Chris!你好吗?)

Chris: Hi Zoey. How are you? (嗨Zoey。你怎么样?)

Zoey: I will catch up with you. (我待会儿追上你。)

Sophie: Alright. (好。)

情景会话2 我与几位朋友走在路上,遇到了老师。

Zoey: I will catch up with you guys. Hi, Professor Wilton. How are you? (我待会儿追上你们。嗨,Wilton教授,你好吗?)

Prof. Wilton: Hi, Zoey. I am good. How are you? (嗨Zoey。我很好,你好吗?)
