日期:2022-04-08 12:25



So here it is.


A good job is where a worker, one, is fairly treated.


Two, has a promising future.


Three, feels psychologically safe.


And four, has a sense of purpose.


Now by this definition, only about a third of jobs today qualify as good jobs.


But that's where data-driven impact investing can help.


By putting hard numbers to each of these conditions, we can score each job at the companies we invest in and then work to improve the number of good jobs at these companies.


So let's go through each of these four conditions in turn, and as we do, think about the place where you work.


How does it measure up?


If the answer is "not good," don't worry, you can help point your company in the right direction.


So here we go.


Number one, a worker is fairly treated.


Now we spend roughly a third of our adult lives working.


So whether you work at Marshall's or Microsoft, you want your employer to pay you fairly for all that time.


But many investors see worker pay as a zero-sum game.


Whatever a company gives to workers must somehow come at our expense, which is why when Home Depot announced early in COVID that they would be offering danger pay and making investments in worker safety, they saw their market value crash by billions of dollars.

不论公司给予员工什么,我们都会以某种方式付出代价。这就是为什么在新冠肺炎疫情初期当家得宝(Home Depot)宣布他们会提供危险报酬,并在工人安全方面进行投资,他们就发现他们的市值重跌了数十亿美金。

But our research found over 100 studies that show that appropriate incentives, attractive benefits like retirement accounts and health care and things like flexible schedules more than pay for themselves through improved productivity, higher retention, lower hiring costs.


Home Depot itself is a company that's built on the idea of providing better service to customers by employing experts on its shop floors.


People who have seen your problem before because they've worked in home repair and construction, and they can help you to fix it better.


Now Home Depot is thriving today thanks to its investment in workers.


Now fair pay is a critical, critical thing, but it's not the only thing that matters.


Which brings us to our second condition: a promising future.

这就带到我们的第二个 条件:前途大有可为。

Fast food restaurants not only pay low wages, they also offer very little in terms of learning and growth, which is why their employees quit after six to 12 months on average.


Think about that the next time you get rude service at the drive-thru window.


But training and career path can help to solve this riddle.


Restaurants like Tender Greens in California and Boloko in Boston offer training to their low-wage workers that qualifies them for management roles.

如加州的Tender Greens及波士顿的Boloko等餐厅,会给低薪的员工提供培训,让他们能符合管理角色的资格。

So you might start out as a dishwasher earning 12 bucks an hour and then with the right training, you can become a restaurant manager in a matter of months, making nearly three times that much.


Now the prospect of tripling your wage is a powerful motivator.


And the data shows that workers are much more loyal and dedicated when they feel that their company is helping them to build a career.


Our third condition, psychological safety, should be a fairly obvious one.


Think of the best boss you've ever had, the one that motivated you to go above and beyond at work.


I bet that person was a listener.


Because the modern workplace is increasingly a place of communication and collaboration.


But many workers find it difficult or risky to speak up.


Professor Amy Edmondson of Harvard has studied this issue in government, nonprofits and companies and found that most people's first instinct is to self-protect.


Let's face it, life's too short to correct your boss's mistake if you think you might get fired as a result.


Not speaking up is invisible, but it can cost the company valuable ideas.


It can squander employee talent or worse, it can put customers or employees at physical risk.

