07 短腿鸡和猫儿(一)
日期:2022-02-17 09:30


Just at that moment, bang! bang! was heard up above, and both the wild geese fell dead among the reeds, and the water turned blood red.


Bang! bang! went the guns, and whole flocks of wild geese flew up from the rushes and the shot peppered among them again.


There was a grand shooting-party, and the sportsmen lay hidden round the marsh;


some even sat on the branches of the trees which overhung the water;


the blue smoke rose like clouds among the dark trees and swept over the pool.


The water-dogs wandered about in the swamp--splash! splash!


The rushes and reeds bent beneath their tread on all sides.


It was terribly alarming to the poor duckling.


He twisted his head round to get it under his wing, and just at that moment a frightful big dog appeared close beside him;


his tongue hung right out of his mouth and his eyes glared wickedly.


He opened his great chasm of a mouth close to the duckling, showed his sharp teeth, and--splash!--went on without touching him.


"Oh, thank Heaven!" sighed the duckling, "I am so ugly that even the dog won't bite me!"


Then he lay quite still while the shot whistled among the bushes, and bang after bang rent the air.


It only became quiet late in the day, but even then the poor duckling did not dare to get up;


he waited several hours more before he looked about, and then he hurried away from the marsh as fast as he could.

