018 I've got to go的"变身"
日期:2022-02-11 18:00


今天我们来学一学“我得走了”,如何用英文表达。口语中的常见说法是——I've got to go.

情景会话1 我与同学Peter聊天,时间有点晚了。

Zoey: It's kind of late. I've gotta go. (有点晚了。我得走了。)

Peter: OK. See you tomorrow. (好。明天见。)

情景会话2 我与同事Bill聊天,但我还要去看牙。

Zoey: Sorry but I gotta go. I have an appointment with the dentist this afternoon. (对不起,但我得走了。今天下午约了看牙医。)

Peter: OK. Do you want me to give you a ride there? (好,需要我开车送你去吗?)

Zoey: Thank you. It's not that far. (谢谢。那里不远。)
