日期:2021-12-24 04:36



获取译文和讲解版笔记,打开微信关注“可可英语晨读”。圣诞歌曲的完整版在今天的推文里,记得去看哦!Merry Christmas!

The country that celebrates Christmas for more than 4 months a year

In the centuries-old carol “The 12 Days of Christmas,” celebrations span less than two weeks. Today Christmas is regularly celebrated throughout December, and in some places, a good portion of November too.

But four months of festivities in the Philippines gives new meaning to the term “holiday season.”

The ‘ber’ months

Christmas is celebrated during the “ber” months, as it’s called in the Philippines — that is, September, October, November and December, said the president of the Manila-based events design company Robert Blancaflor Group.

“Christmas is the longest celebrated season in the Philippines and … our country celebrates it the longest globally,” he said. “Can you imagine a whole nation willingly sharing warmth and love ... this long?”

But the parties don’t end in December. Christmas fever starts on Sept. 1 and ends the first week of January.

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