日期:2021-12-13 04:35




The Secret to These Successful Marriages? Living Apart

The number of married couples who live apart is small but growing. Here’s how they say the arrangement helps their families and their relationships.

Lara Covington and George Sofis married this fall and honeymooned in Oregon. Then they returned to their respective homes. The newlyweds expect to live apart for the next eight years until their youngest children are out of high school. “We love the idea of eventually living together. But this is working with our different lives, careers and kids,” says Ms. Covington, 43, a lawyer with two children from a previous marriage, and one dog. Dr. Sofis, 48, a radiologist, has four children and two dogs.

Couples like Lara and George represent one of the many ways that marriages are changing. Many couples who live apart have been married before and don’t want to uproot their children from homes, schools and friends, or can’t because of joint-custody arrangements. Some have hit rocky patches in their relationship and need space, but don’t want to divorce. Living apart gives them greater flexibility and autonomy, and in many cases, helps draw them closer.

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