第119期:OMG!美语 “Yippee” !
日期:2021-12-19 17:19




Cheering? 欢呼说什么?

Yippee - 太好了!

I found twenty bucks in the back of my pants!! Yippee! 我从裤子后口袋摸出20块钱!太好啦! Annoyed? 烦燥了说什么?

Ugh - 额!真烦!

Ughhh!Why is New York so hot? If you can’t reach me, I’ve passed out from the heat! 额。。真讨厌。纽约怎么会这么热呢。如果你们找不到我了,那肯定是我热晕过去了。

Sympathetic? 表示同情说什么?

Awww - 啊,好可怜。

A: I think I’ve got a summer cold. 我觉得我得热感冒了。。

B: Aww... You need to turn your air-conditioner up. 啊,好可怜。你应该把空调调高点。

Something adorable? 被萌到了说什么?

也说Awww - 啊,好可爱。

Awww look how evil but cute these minions are! 啊,快看这些小黄豆多邪恶,多可爱啊!

Relieved? 松了口气说什么?

Phew - 咻!

A: AHHHH! 啊啊啊!

B: What? what? 怎么了?怎么了?

A: I thought I stepped in dog poop but it was only chocolate. Phew. Scared me. 我以为踩到狗屎了,结果一看是巧克力。咻。吓死姐了。
