日期:2021-11-24 04:35




Are AirPods Out? Why Cool Kids Are Wearing Wired Headphones

Everyone wears AirPods these days…right? Since Apple launched the Bluetooth-enabled headphones in 2016, they’ve become an inescapable feature of daily life: Countless people walk around, chat, run and work with those two little knobs sticking out of their ears.

If you are among them, you may right now be considering buying a new pair, namely the 3rd-generation version that launched last month featuring “spatial audio.” The prevalence of AirPods makes them critical to Apple’s wearables business, which generated $38.3 billion in net sales from September 2020 to September 2021.

In short, AirPods have become too widespread to be cool. So, perhaps inevitably, contrarian trendsetters are reviving some ancient technology: corded headphones.

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